Reports that Kibera is shinning have bee received differently all over Kenya with some people saying that Kibera lighting was being used to finsih Raila politically. But then whether politically or Not, All we need is betterment of Kenyans life.
This saw Raila rush to Kibera. He even claimed that all the projects the Jubilee Government was bragging about in Kibera were initiated by him. President Uhuru has also been a regular visitor to Kibera slums dressed like an ordinary Kenyan.
According to a local political analyst, Jubilee is out to expose Raila as a person full of Vitendawili but no vision to uplift the lives of his people.
But then the Mpeketoni people are complaining that Waiguru has ignored them. They have accused her of being a serial liar. In fact I remember when I was watching TV and Waiguru promised to help them rebuild. I vividly remember her saying that she would deploy NYS to evaluate the amount of damage . I thought Cabinet Secretaries are not politicians who make roadside declarations.
Why has Waiguru not fulfilled her promises ?
RIP To all the people who perished in the Mpeketoni attack . Lets hope Waiguru will check her diary and do what she promised .
Never make a deal with this lady