Kipsigis Teachers’Training College (TTC) is one of the best teacher training schools in Kenya,
Kipsigis TTC is sponsored by Voice of Gospel Church.
The owner of the school is Bishop Josef Tonui (HSC) and the school is run by his son Enock.
The said man (Enock) has been squandering money since he his a drunkard. He is also fond of writing off some outstanding balance of slayqueen student teachers.
But this is not my concern. What made me write this email is the houses that we live are not fit for human habitation; the toilets are poorly constructed and dilapidated.
We also study in iron sheet class rooms.

The houses so called ‘dormitories’ are old and faded. Rats are our ‘friends’.
There are holes everywhere.
We also have other dangerous visitors like snakes. Rats have been destroying our possessions.
We have requested the administration for renovation but they care less.
Please assist me air these issues.