During the time of great Reverend Timothy Njoya, the government was put on toes by the state. More clergymen suffered at the hands of Daniel Moi some even lsot their lives.
I’m the time of bishop Kiuna, Pastor Ng’ang’a, Bishop Calisto Odede, the church has joined hands in supporting the oppression of the masses by looking the other way as government excesses continue to eat every sector of the Kenyan society.
Under the UhuRuto regime, corruption, diseases, hunger and witchcraft is the order of the day.
Currently, there seems to be a lack of leadership as pertains to the handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
The Kenyans state has continued to sugarcoat things and implementing half measures as people continues to die. The gagged media cannot report, and if bloggers report, they are arrested and released on hefty bonds.
It is a travesty of morality when the church continues to bury its head in the sand. The church controls a lot of people abs as such must be on the forefront of fighting this pandemic. Instead the church has given out paybills for collecting tithes.
For example, Chris is the Answer Ministries (Citam) led by Bishop Calisto Odede has sent out a two pages PDF format document complete with instructions on how to pay tithes and offerings.
What Kenyans have not seen is a document from the same church showing their contributions in the fight against the Covid19, they could just have even one for their congregants.
Rich church
Earlier this year, it was revealed that Citam rakes in over a billion shillings in tithes and offerings.
For instance, CITAM, which has 15 branches countrywide and plans to ‘plant’ its newest church in Kitengela, reported a total income of Ksh1.48 billion in 2017 up from Ksh1.2 billion in 2016. The church recorded a net profit of Ksh88 million for the year.
The earnings just confirm the poorly kept secret that churches are some of the most profitable organisations in Kenya. Little wonder then that churches dot every corner of the country and are now getting into town centres to tap the working population during the work-week.
You'd like to send your offerings & tithes? We've provided various methods as outlined @CITAMOnline @HopeTv_Ke @hopefmlive @CitamVrdKE @Citam_Woodley @citam_ngong @CITAM_Karen @citamembakasi @CITAMThikaRoad @CITAM_BURUBURU @CITAM_RONGAI @CitamClaycity @citamathi @Citamthikatown pic.twitter.com/IGV45bJCKy
— C.I.T.A.M (@CITAMKE) March 28, 2020