Banking Insurance Finance Union of Kenya (BIFU) Secretary General Isaiah Kubai will today appear before Nairobi Labour Court Judge Byron Ongaya to answer to the matter of illegal running of the union.
This comes after a complaint was filed at the Ombudsman office by some bankers’ representatives, cnyakundi.com has learnt.
Ombudsman will be aailable in court as a interested party, while seasoned lawyer and former Law Society of Kenya (LSK) CEO Apollo Mboya will represent the complainants.
‘Rule 3P, 21A, and 22B of the BIFU constitution and Rules require BIFU to dislay a copy of the Auditor’s report conspicuously, at the registered office of the Union for inspection by the members. However, the Union has not adhered to these requirements’, the court document states.
Mr. Kubai neither has the list of members nor the audited financial statements.
He runs the union like his kitchen.
Some of the documents he gives to court are outdated and rubbish.
How can one present a list of union bosses some of whom have resigned while others are deceased yet the court accepts?
He is very ‘powerful’ in his own mind such that he can buy a law diploma from the Kenya School of Law and move around threatening everybody.
He has managed to rule the union for more than 30 years by suspending the constitution, bribing top management in banks and influencing the sacking of Union leader who represent workers in banks.
The man is senile and megalomanic to say the least.
Today from 9 am, he will be required to reveal the below information pursuant to Article 35 of the Kenyan Constitution and Access to Information Act No.31 of 2016:
- Copies of the audited accounts of BIFU for the last five (5) years. Branches.
- The Register of Members for both National and
- The list of Branch Officials.
- The Minutes of the Annual Delegates Conference for the last five (5) years and notices convening those conferences.
- The details of the physical branch offices
- Why has the government never took an interest in trade unions letting people like Kubai thrive in illegalities for far too long?
- How can a union run for years without audited financial statements and the registrar of union doesn’t raise any issue?
- Union leaders are supposed to be elected by members, when was the last time BIFU carried out an election?