Those that collapsed Chase Bank committed serious economic crimes, instead of going to prison, they were rewarded with appointments. Who stood to benefit? Your guess is as good as mine.
Exactly 5 years ago ie 7th April 2016, the graft den that was Chase Bank was closed for 2 weeks and later placed under receivership after experiencing a spectacular public bank run the previous day. As some Kenyans are still reeling from the loss of their hard savings made unavailable by the collapse of the criminal entity that was Chase Bank, it would be prudent to review some of the criminals that were at the helm of this deplorable bank that masqueraded as an innovative outfit with exceptional customer service and beautiful lady employees to entice naive men to deposit their funds into this pyramid scheme of graft.
Everyone remembers the spectacular drama that played out on 6th April 2016 when Chase Group Chairman Zafrullah Khan and vulgar mouth CEO Duncan Kabui were forced out and social media led by cnyakundi.com urged customers to withdraw their funds and within one day 8 billion was pulled out from the faltering institution in a spectacular bank run that forced the decadent entity to close down for 2 weeks and go under receivership. Most assume that this was the only bank run that Chase faced. Not known to many is that Chase Bank bank experienced a massive but silent bank run immediately after Imperial bank imploded in October 2015. Once Imperial Bank went under, smart depositors knowing Chase had similar shenanigans as Imperial Bank, rapidly, massively but quietly pulled out over 30 billion of their funds by the end of 2015; an affair that was unbeknownst to the general public. Dumb money (like LSK depositing 2 billion; find LSK suit against Chase Bank) still kept their money in the ‘glamorous’ institution unaware of the underlying maelstrom that was brewing only to be caught short in April 2016 and having their deposits frozen. Until today, high net worth depositors are yet to receive their full deposits.
In this article, we shall review the dubious personalities and histories of the criminal executives of Chase Bank and where they are stationed now. As you shall see, most of them had shady pasts in their careers having been sacked from prior employers only for Chase, realizing their criminal potential, to hire them to continue with their pilferage on behalf of the bank. The over-concentration of crooks at Chase Bank is appalling as you shall see.
Employees of Chase Bank well know the combative nature of vulgar mouth Kabui. DK as he was known, was a bully known to intimidate employees and had no qualms spewing vulgar insults like an American gangster. The vulgar mouth could threaten employees with a sack for trivial matters and had a particularly malicious manner of sacking staff.
In some cases, he would utter ‘I do not want to see that piece of shit in this premises’.Communicating via the thug Security Manager, Cleophas Kirwa Melly, the guards at the gate would be instructed by Kabui to block an employee from entering the premises. The poor employee who assumed he was reported as normal to work in the morning would be blocked at the gate and was told to wait at the entrance and someone from inside would collect his personal belongings and bring them to the traumatized soul then he is sent away by the guards. Thus the employee would be discarded without any formal list of grievances levelled against him or legal due disciplinary measures instituted by the bank. In other cases, an employee already within the building would be ambushed by HR, taken to a room where he would be presented with a list of imaginary violations and then presented with a choice to either resign so as to obtain his pension dues plus future references or if he refuses they would outright sack the poor soul, deny him his dues and reiterate they would write a bad reference to any future employers. Most shocked employees, realizing that they needed the meagre dues plus reference would be presented with a foolscap and write the resignation letter under duress.HR would intimidate the employee not to dare sue as the bank had the financial and legal machinery to overwhelm him in court and have a ruling in the bank’s favour for which the employee would pay costs. For a junior staff earning 30,000 KES/month, the prospect of taking on this corrupt institution via an equally decadent judiciary seemed an insurmountable undertaking hence would painfully bite the bullet, resign under duress and move on traumatized.
Formal legal HR disciplinary procedure decrees that an employer should present to an employee a show-cause letter stating the list of violations, give the employee a few days to prepare his response, have a fair hearing at a disciplinary committee then employer would indicate his verdict and if its a dismissal the employee had a chance to a fair appeal process. Considering that Chase Bank flagrantly violated these rules, any employee sacked in the draconian manner indicated above would easily win in court but were intimidated not to pursue legal redress and considering the costly, corrupt and bureaucratic court processes,a junior employee with meagre means simply couldn’t take on the bank in court and would bitterly move on.
The irony is that the criminal Kabui was showered with accolades by Githeri media and the filthy banking criminal elite. Foul mouth Kabui was awarded the best bank CEO in 2015 by Think Business Banking Awards just a year before his spectacular downfall. Vulgar mouth Kabui was also awarded the “Top 40 Under 40 Men” in 2011 by Nation’s Business Daily when the pampered, criminal fat boy was 39 years old. If one checks page 8 and 9 of that Business Daily award article on link , vulgar mouth Kabui was peddling nonsensical praises about himself and lies claiming as below
The secrets of success, he says are “perseverance, focus, thinking differently, and INTEGRITY??“.It takes time to create success, he says, and one has to stick to an idea for a long time to take shape.
What a SICK JOKE that he claims he is a man of integrity yet he was taking shortcuts to enrich himself by being an insider lending criminal thieving filth.
Moreover, another Chase bank crook by the name Magdalene Mulandi formerly Group Head of Brand at Chase Bank, received “Top 40 Under 40 Women” award in 2015 for ‘promoting the iconic Chase Brand’ a brand that was eventually revealed to be a graft den of thieves. It’s such bogus shenanigans of showering thieves with praises that gives a bad name to Githeri media.
Vulgar mouth now finds himself ousted in a most humiliating public manner and is befitting for a thug that sacked employees with extreme cruelty. As they say ‘what goes around comes around’. He now spends his time at court defending himself.

Surprisingly, foul mouth Kabui managed to hide at Rafiki Microfinance (which was once a Chase Group subsidiary) as a Director for several years after the Chase collapse in 2016.Vulgar mouth plus the thug Zafrullah Khan who retained the Chairmanship of Rafiki were quietly sitting on the board of Directors at Rafiki Microfinance with CBKs full knowledge. The editor of this site had highlighted this dubious anomaly on the link below:
Former Scandal-Ridden Chase Bank Chairman Mohammed Zafrullah Khan Still Rafiki Microfinance Chairman
Yet naive clients still deposit their money at Rafiki Microfinance. Let them not say they weren’t warned.

It is most unfortunate that one criminal goon Ken Obimbo “The Bimbo” serves as the Managing Director of the dubious Rafiki Microfinance once a subsidiary of the equally decadent Chase Bank.
Even more distressing is that Ken Obimbo (known as KO in Chase Bank and Rafiki)served as the Chief Financial Officer of Chase Group (custodian of the financial accounts of the group that were found to be fraudulent) thus was in the heart of all the malfeasance of the criminal insider lending and fraudulent financial reporting scheme that was Chase Bank yet he is allowed to continue as MD of
Rafiki Microfinance.

More alarming is that Obimbo the Bimbo was sacked from Coca-Cola then went to serve as MD of Kenya Bus Service that was run down by graft before joining Chase.
The three criminal musketeers ie Zafrullah Khan, vulgar mouth Kabui, Obimbo the Bimbo amongst other Chase group thieves have been embroiled in legal suits and other nefarious activities even after Chase collapsed. These goons were sued by Chase Bank in receivership, Kenya Deposit Insurance Corporation and LSK as shown on the judiciary’s website on link.
Moreover, these 3 goons plus their minions/underlings have been adversely mentioned in a scam to open a bank in Somalia in the Nation Newspaper article https://nation.africa/kenya/news/chase-bank-ex-chair-s-illicit-plan-to-open-somalia-bank-240252 also picked up by us on https://cnyakundi.com/chase-bank-ex-chairs-illicit-plan-to-open-somalia-bank/
Now let’s introduce the pervert Parmain Ole Narikae (known as Prof at Chase Group). Pervert Prof has a most disgusting career history. He once served as Head of Marketing at Co-operative Bank where he was sacked. He was a lecturer at USIU thus his nickname Prof.Later, he joined Chase as General Manager where part of his duties was to oversee HR recruitment. The hiring of beautiful female Chase employees was largely attributed to his perversions of staring at girls behinds and breasts. The ‘Pervert Prof of Assess and Boobs’ was routinely caught checking out girls wares. He then was promoted to Director of External and Regulatory Affairs where part of his dubious job was to lie and cover-up Chase Bank’s involvement in the NYS scandal as shown on the Citizen TV link

After Chase Bank imploded in April 2016, Pervert Prof manoeuvred himself to land a job as CEO in the government parastatal Kenya Industrial Estates (KIE) appointed by his buddy corrupt Industrialization Secretary Adan Mohamed who once served as CEO of Barclays Bank and his contract was renewed by Peter Munya. He doubles as a board member at the multibillion-shilling Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority. Talk of the fox guarding the henhouse.
The irony of this crook being CEO at KIE was even picked up by Business Daily articles below:
- Ex-Chase Bank director heads State enterprise financier KIE
- Munya extends ex-Chase Bank boss’s tenure at KIE
This sexual deviant is unable to control his perversions and graft and while at KIE he attempted to coerce the HR Manager one “MTM” into granting him sexual favours and also join him in his criminal activities of irregularly forging and/or editing of staff disciplinary minutes, irregular recruitment of staff and corruption. When MTM declined to engage in the heinous acts, pervert Parmain tried to have her sacked without due notice contrary to formal HR disciplinary procedures as stipulated by the law in Articles 41, 47 and 50 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010.
In exercise of her legal rights, MTM sued the sexually deviant. Luckily, the court acted fairly and saw through the shenanigans of pervert Parmain and the judiciary interdicted and halted dubious sacking procedures ordering that MRM continue with her employment.
This perverted saga was exposed by us on link https://cnyakundi.com/pervert-parmain-narikae-kenya-industrial-estates-director-loses-sexual-harassment-illegal-sacking-court-case/ and the link to the court case is on the judiciary’s website on http://kenyalaw.org/caselaw/cases/view/200004/
What a disgrace from a married sex pest with children.
As Head of HR and later Director Talent and Organization Development, this bitch Hellen was the idiot that effected the draconian resignation under duress orders from Kabui explained earlier. She was known to be utterly insensitive to employees distress especially during their dismissal.
Little did she know that she would also be sacked from Chase Bank in 2016 when they went bust. As they say ‘What goes around comes around’.

Corrupt birds of a feather always fly together,are mutually attracted to one another and bail each other out.One should not be shocked that Hellen managed to use her corrupt connections to land herself a job as Chief Human Resource Officer of bogus Janus Continental where the founder and Chairman Humphrey Kariuki was forced out following claims of tax evasion in Kenya amounting to Sh41 billion and other charges preferred against him by Director of Public Prosecution Noordin Haji as highlighted on Standard Newspaper link.
Michael Kimeu (known as Mike Sonko at Chase) was a combative thug who was known to conduct dubious witch hunts that led to the sacking of many innocents, had a hot temper arrogantly shouting at employees despite his tiny body size. This filth had been sacked from Co-operative Bank while working in the Risk department only to join Chase as Head of Risk in his late 20s. Tiny boy Kimeu Sonko was clearly a crook that benefited from the insider lending schemes and cooking of books and as Head of Risk slept on the job and allowed the theft of depositors funds. He was sacked from Chase bank after the institution went under but alas he is still working in banking as Country Head of Risk at Qatar National Bank-a dubious tier 3 national bank synonymous with money laundering.

Even more shocking is that apart from currently working at the dubious Qatar National Bank that’s in league with the collapsed Dubai Bank, Kimeu is currently the Chair of Association of Certified Compliance Professionals in Africa (ACCPA) Chapter in Kenya as evidenced by the link https://eedadvisory.com/team/mr-michael-kimeu/.One is simply left flabbergasted and scratching their head on how a professional body could have its Chair a crook that was in the centre of the Chase Bank insider lending scam and was sacked from Chase when it went under. Don’t such professional bodies conduct a background check due diligence of its committee members or is ACCPA just a corrupt edifice filled with crooks amongst its ranks?The professionals of compliance are clearly not compliant themselves.
It is most shameful that most of these deplorable thieves continue serving in banking despite their past histories of graft.
We have by no means captured all the criminals in this dossier. Many thieves still currently serve at SBM Bank and Rafiki Microfinance so one wonders why naive depositors still keep their money in both institutions.