Kyle McCarter, the US Ambassador to Kenya, remains defiant even after sections of Kenyans including this blog chided him for meeting with useless and corrupt Kenyan leaders under the guise of ‘urging leader to create employment for the youths’.
Last week, NRM Kenya General Miguna Miguna called out the Ambassador for ‘starting on a wrong footing’, accusing him of meeting rogue members of the regime that have looted Kenya.
‘You seem to have started wrongly in your new appointment. You are clearly spending too much time with looters of Kenya. Chris Kirubi did not work for his immense wealth: he stole it from Kenyans. He bankrupted Kenatco and Kenya, Airways. Change course or Kenyans will chase you away’, Miguna tweeted.
The US Ambassador then replied to Miguna thus:
‘You don’t know me well enough sir to question my integrity. Those that do know me & all I have done in my life wouldn’t even think about questioning it as you have. It is not best to debate on Twitter. We both care for Kenya. Let’s agree on that’, Mr McCarter Tweeted..
But after we posted an open letter (click link below) to US President Donald Trump complaining about the Ambassador’s curious behavior; he posted a response that appeared to target us and other Kenyans who share the same feelings.
What we posted: Kenyan Man Writes An Open Letter To US President Donald Trump.
The ambassadors responded by saying,
‘I will continue meeting with every investor (foreign & national), politician, & person in a position of influence to urge them to spend their capital to employ the youth of Kenya. 70% of population is 30 yrs & under. We cannot afford to fail to meet this challenge. Hashtag: employKenyanYouth’, Tweeted.
We still maintain and I think most Kenyans of goodwill share the same that this is a Slayqueen Ambassador who doesn’t hesitate to take pictures with people he considers influential.
Somebody please tell him that those people he calls influential do not represent us or our humane values as Kenyans of goodwill.
In fact, people like Kirubi, Balala and Monica Juma and the entire Jubilee regime doesn’t command our respect.
So, he either becomes a Smith Hempstone and condemns corruption or wait for reprimands.