Hi Cyprian,
Please expose police at NYALENDA POLICE POST located at Simba in Nyalenda estate, Kisumu.
Since the police post was set up; it has been hell for Nyalenda residents. There’s no big difference that the police post has brought to residents of Nyalenda.
Instead of providing comfort and security, it is a money minting scheme, where the police arrest residents with petty excuses. For instance you are at your door step and the police just pop up and ask where is your National ID is and you end up being taken to the police cells where you’ll have to cough up Kshs. 4000 to be free.
To be specific there are two policemen who are notorious for this. They are always in a white Nissan Sunny with reg KAP.
I saw a case where a boda boda guy was in his compound and they asked him where his reflector was, the guy replied “am not riding” he ended up in the cells and had to pay to get out.