Fresh details have emerged about the mistreatment of workers at Spectre East Africa.
The firm is owned by the Raila Odinga family.
A former staff is accusing the management of neglecting him after he fell sick due to the work he was doing.
HI Nyakundi,
I’m Boaz Otiende, I have been working in East Africa Spectre ltd since 2013, the gas company associated with Raila Odinga. I have an illness that developed as a result of work, my contract expired last month but they refused to renew it, they have not paid me my services. I have all the medical reports from doctor. I have more information.
Nilianza kuwa mgonjwa mwezi wa pili nikalazwa Shalom mara tatu wakasema niko menengatis bila kupimwa lakini sikupata nafuu. baada ya miezi mbili hivi, kampuni ikaamua kunipelaka kwa hospitali yao sda milimani doctor akanituma nipige picha ya mri scan, doctor akasema kulikuwa na strain za nerves kuanzia kwa shingo Hadi kwa kichwa so akapeana recomandation kwa kampuni lakini hakuna chenye walifanya, so imebidi ninunue dawa na pasa yangu ili kupunguza machungu, ilipofika novemba wakarealize contract inakaribia kuespire wakanituma niende nieleze doctor kuwa nimepona ati wanirudishe my place of work next, nikifika kwa doctor, akaniambia kuwa amepigiwa na hr aniandikie kuwa niko sawa but mi nikamweleza bado Niko na maumivu na bado natumia dawa, akanituma nifanye scan nyingine ambayo illionyesa maumivu yakuwa yamepungua
Funy enough is that madam Idah the managing director told me to that “mnaenda kwa hospitali ndogo Kama shalom ndio mseme mmeumilia kwa kazi ndio kampuni iwalipe, mbona msiende kwa hospitali ya kampuni mkatibiwe
Slavery In Kenya: Raila Odinga’s East Africa Spectre under spotlight over employee mistreatment
I was very sick in the month of March, even I could not walk I used to sign a yearly contract but due to sickness I couldn’t have gone to pick my copy of the contract but when I returned to work in June the older contract was thrown away and in return I was given a 6-month contract
May salary was not paid even after they had received a letter from Union, March and April had alot of lost hours
Contrary to what madam Idda told about Shallom (Hospital) is that all reports from doctors about the disease, comes from sda (better living hospital) the hospital that has been ensured by the company, Shallom only said that it was meningitis without verification
Lastly when I went for clearance, I was given a form to fill but I saw something which malicious, that I was supposed to choose that I have exited from the company by : 1 exit by resignation 2 exit because of redundancy 3 exit because of disease 4 exit because of early retirement, because of this i refused to fill that form and the rude HR officer called Hillary Koskei threw me out while it was raining.