The rogue car sales firm Patel Autocom Motors which changed its name to Auto Port Motors after our expose’ has now metamorphosed to Jayesh Singh Motors.
The company has been exposed as a scam, conning customers of their-hard-earned money
Read below:
Part 2:
‘Hi Nyakundi, Patel Autocom Motors is still Auto Port motors. Please share alert on the same.Thank you’, says the source on condition of anonymity.
The two firms have same locations on their advertisements, which also, curiously, have the same wordings.
The two firms use the untraceable Airtel Lines.
Genuine business often use Safaricom like because it it easier for Safaricom Plc to authorize tracking whereas Airtel usually don’t accept.
Part 1
A client who has engaged with Patel Autocom Motors narrates how they were conned below:
Owning/buying a car is not easy neither is it hard. But whatever you have to do to get one, please make sure not to land yourself in the hands of PATEL AUTOCOM MOTORS. A friend was robbed Ksh150,000.
The company comes with the sweetest sales language and promise to deliver the car for you, for example, at CAPITAL CENTER. They promise a lot of things such as free tinting, Full tank fuel, service for first 5000 kilometers, side mirror cabling, riveting, chrome number plate, car identity, car alarm, safety triangles, tow rope, hand fire extinguisher, etc.
They dupe you into depositing a small amount and the rest to be paid in installments. Once you pay, they will give you numerous calls telling you how far they are in as far as car delivery is concerned. That’s where the con is.
They will promise you a particular hour, once that hour fast approaches, they will pull down their Facebook page, pull down their website, block your number and finally switch off their phones.
Later on, once they realize you’ve given up on following them, they will put up the Facebook page and the website again. Raising the alarm on their page will not help. To cover their tracks, they will filter the comments and remove any alarming ones.
We at are sharing this information so that you do no fall victim to this scam.
Be very vigilant when conducting business in this ‘shamba la mawe’
The two employees of the fake company who are notorious go by the name and numbers below: They masquerade themselves in the names of Chacha (+254736635709) and Swaleh (+254737413800).
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