In 2016, we exposed Scangroup, the company that is single-handedly run by Bharat Thakrar who other than complaining about his Range Rover to the dealership company to earn cheap points on social-media, is really just another empty-headed CEO who reasons like a Standard Two student, or worse still, a Daystar University Journalism graduate.
The editor of this site watched as mediocre 8.4.4 educated Kenyans celebrated Peter Ndegwa as an outsider who had finally landed the Safaricom CEO Job.
Dear Kenyas, you took the lie too far. You forgot that from employment to promotions, to tenders, corporate Nairobi is all about who you know or how far apart you can spread your legs. Apparently, if you’re gay in Nairobi, your career will be guaranteed of a vertical elevation, as many directors of various blue-chip companies are said to live double lives, and are sexually conflicted hiding behind “happy” marriages but having parallel gay relationships.
Peter Ndegwa’s wife is best friend with Sheila Amdany of Scangroup Ghana. So keen Kenyans can imagine the unholy relationship between Safaricom and Scangroup will unfold round two.

As per the Safaricom KPMG report that this blog leaked first, and which highlighted corruption at Safaricom as overseen by none other than the late fake accented immigrant from Guyana, it was confirmed that Scanad was awarded its contract illegally. Scanad was contractually required to deliver 76 resources to Safaricom, every month as justification for their high monthly retainer.
The report indicated that Safaricom sent out Request for Proposals (RFP) on 19th December 2013 and closed on 23rd January 2014. Amongst the companies who submitted bids included RedHouse Group, Nurturn Bates, Express DDBO, Transcend Media, Scanad Kenya and J. Walter Thompson Kenya Limited.
Although Transcend Media was ranked first during the technical and commercial analysis, the late Bob Collymore influenced that Scanad was finally appointed because he had agreed to split bribes with Bharat Thakrar. In the same informal agreement, the late Bob Collymore turned a blind eye to Scanad’s obvious incompetence, mediocre marketing concepts and failure to deliver on schedule leading to overall inefficiency in Safaricom.

Transcend media severally complained to Vodafone International about the corruption in Safaricom as was overseen by the late Bob Collymore, and it was this and other reports of fraud against senior staff at Safaricom that precipitated the KPMG external audit. It was not commissioned by the late Bob Collymore as he claimed in a press conference in 2016.
Incompetent staffers in Safaricom that were fingered by the report included Adrine Muhura the senior brand manager who informed KPMG auditors that the mediocre concepts are presented to Scanad and once approved are processed internally.
Safaricom never bothered evaluating the number of resources or staffers in any project. All they just ask for is projects to be delivered, however mediocre.
Safaricom withheld a lot of information from the external auditors and the firm was only able to evaluate Scanad’s output in the months of August, September and October 2015 and discovered that in just those three months, Scanad delivered late on ten (10) occassions, but only accepted to be penalized on once.
You will all not believe but Scanad was paid a whopping Kshs. 2.1 Billion by Safaricom to execute the mediocrity we see on their inferior advertising concepts, money that can be well spent if Safaricom built the internal capacity to work with geniuses in Kenya, or monitored Scanad which they don’t do.
Will the unholy toxic alliance go on?
Peter Ndegwa is not an outsider and was appointed CEO for a reason!