Since this site exposed the mistreatment, exploitation, underpayment and utter modern day slavery at Wandia Gichuru’s Vivo Woman Company, current and former employees of...
Tag - #SlaveryInKenya
Hi Nyakundi, I worked at Vivo for a while and during my whole time there I was never given a job description (JD). I just did 1000 random different things. I enquired...
Hi Nyakundi, I was once an employee of Vivo Woman (formerly Vivo Activewear) and I have read your article on how the company treats its employees. I am so happy someone...
Hi Cyprian Nyakundi, I’d like to expose Vivo Activewear (now called Vivo Woman), Wandia Gichuru’s company for mistreatment of employees. In the last year, 20...