Thank you for airing our views, it brought to light what was being hidden by the leadership and specifically Pastor Mureithi.
Imagine everything you said was the truth.
That blog post was the sermon at church. People are so devastated. This church we were told is an associate led church but the truth is it is a ‘Mureithi Led’ church.
Today we were treated to the theatre of the absurd.
The highest ranking woman with a very pure spirit was SACKED unceremoniously. The absurd thing is THE ELDERS had nothing to say other than state ‘This is a pastor-led church, not an elder led church’ so what’s their function? They are impotent and irrelevant. It’s clear even they are conflicted.
Mavuno church simply has no governance. Pastor M can do what he likes and cover it with the word. Nobody can question his authority. There was even a Bishop called Oscar who corrected him. He is too hasty with the decision to sack Pastor Linda. Pastor Linda graciously asked for a one year grace period but the authority hungry Pastor M refused.
Why does he want her out so quickly? Why is the congregation not involved? He now wants to have meetings with the congregation after the fact, for what use? He should have had meetings before. The Executive body or strategic body of Crossroads seem to have been compromised as well. They need to come out and speak for the people of Crossroads. Pastor M can take Mavuno Crossroads if he likes, we can form our own church. After all, we have done it before.
It’s clear Mavuno is a one-man show. Pastor Mureithi. Today a box was ticked and that was it. There was no way forward at all. We have been left technically leaderless. The congregation did not buy the nonsense that was displayed today. There was no Q&A so we were gagged. This prophecy had no backing and has left many of us hurt and confused.It is definitely not Gods word.
We want to be dissociated with Mavuno, we want our own church with our values, where our voices will be heard. This Mavuno has the trimmings of a cult. We shall rebuild and God will hear us and love us.
Thank you for being the voice of the voiceless Nyakundi!