Kenya has a foreign affairs policy document which is as dormant as a church at state house Nairobi.
It was first published in 2014.
Many Kenyans have found themselves neglected abroad, and calls for help from their government always fell on deaf ears.
Only the rich-few are served by the foreign pilicies and law,as for the rest of the slaves in the plantation, nada, you are on your own.
Can they listen to the pleas for help by Kenyans in South Africa?
The opinion leader below thinks Kenya should strike back.
Hi Nyakundi,
Kenyans living in Johannesburg South Africa are calling on Uhuru Kenyatta’s government to take action on the destruction of Kenyan propetyies in that country.
Kenyan-owned shops, cars and houses have been torched in total disregard of law and this if full of malice.
As at today, millions have been lost by hardworking Kenyans who are in South Africa legally.
Last week, the South African government grounded and detained a Tanzanian aircraft in a debt dispute which hasn’t been resolved yet.
According to a reliable source the aircraft will be auctioned to offset the debt.
Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, being a regional hub has an opportunity to detain all South African aircrafts, which should be quickly auctioned to wealthy Kenyans and have them transformed into hotels or anything that they would want.
Proceeds from the auction should then be distributed to Kenyans in South Africa who have lost their livelihood to these afrophobic africans.
Kenya government must also reciprocate the tough visa restrictions that kenyans are subjected to while travelling to South Africa.
It’s worth noting that South Africans don’t t need a visa to visit Kenya, while the latter not only needs a visa but are subjects Kenyans to Trump-like immigration policies.