General World Facts

How Many Jewish People in the World: A Comprehensive Guide

an image of the jewish population
Unlock the Power of Demographics: Explore the 2023 Global Jewish Population – Essential Insights for Digital Marketers. PHOTO COURTESY/Instagram

Judaism is one of the oldest and most influential religions in the world. It has a rich and diverse history, culture, and tradition that spans over 4,000 years.

But how many Jewish people are there in the world today? And where do they live, practice, and believe?

In this article, I will answer these questions and more, using the latest data and facts from reliable sources.

What Percentage of the World is Jewish?

According to the Pew Research Center1, there are about 14 million Jews around the world, representing 0.2% of the population.

This estimate is based on the number of people who self-identify as Jewish when asked about their religion on national censuses

However, this number may not reflect the full extent of the Jewish population, as some people may have Jewish ancestry or affinity

Another way to measure the Jewish population is by counting all those who are eligible for Israeli citizenship under Israel’s Law of Return

According to this criterion, there are about 23.8 million Jews in the world, or 0.3% of the global population.

Where is the Largest Jewish Population?

The largest Jewish population in the world is found in Israel, the only country with a Jewish majority (76%).

As of 2023, there are about 6.9 million Jews living in Israel3, or 30% of the total Jewish population.

Since then, millions of Jews from different countries and backgrounds have immigrated to Israel, creating a diverse society.

The second largest Jewish population in the world is found in the United States, which is home to about 7.8 million Jews

The United States has been a destination for Jewish immigrants since the colonial era, especially from Eastern Europe

Today, American Jews are one of the most influential and successful minority groups in the country, contributing to various fields

The third largest Jewish population in the world is found in France, which has about 446,000 Jews2, or 3% of the Jewish population.

France has a long history of Jewish presence and culture, dating back to the Roman times.

Which is a Jewish Country?

The only country that is officially recognized as a Jewish state is Israel, which defines itself as “the nation-state of the Jewish people”

There are many other countries where Jews have lived for centuries or millennia, and where they have contributed to their culture and society. Some are:

  • Morocco:

Morocco has one of the oldest and largest Jewish communities in Africa and the Arab world.

Morocco was once home to over 250,000 Jews2, who coexisted peacefully with Muslims and Christians for centuries.

Today, there are about 2,000 Jews left in Morocco, but they still enjoy religious freedom and respect from their fellow citizens.

  • Iran:

Iran has one of the oldest and most ancient Jewish communities in Asia and the world.

Iran was once part of the Persian Empire, which allowed Jews to return to Jerusalem after their exile by Babylonians in the 6th century BCE.

Today, there are about 8,500 Jews left in Iran2, who practice their religion under strict Islamic laws and face discrimination and hostility from some sectors of society.

  • India:

India has one of the most diverse and unique Jewish communities in Asia and the world.

India was never colonized by any European power that persecuted Jews, so it became a safe haven for many Jewish refugees over time.

Today, there are about 5,000 Jews left in India2, who belong to different groups such as the Bene Israel, the Cochin Jews, the Baghdadi Jews, and the Bnei Menashe.

What is the Largest Jewish Population Outside Israel?

The largest Jewish population outside Israel is in the United States, which has about 7.8 million Jews, or 51% of the total Jewish population.

The United States has been a destination for Jewish immigrants since the colonial era, especially from Eastern Europe and Russia

Today, American Jews are one of the most influential and successful minority groups in the country, contributing to various fields

How Many Jews Are There in the World in 2023?

According to the Pew Research Center, there are about 14 million Jews around the world in 2023, representing 0.2% of the global population.

This estimate is based on the number of people who self-identify as Jewish when asked about their religion on national censuses and large-scale surveys.

However, this number may not reflect the full extent of the Jewish population, as some people may have Jewish ancestry or affinity

Another way to measure the Jewish population is by counting all those who are eligible for Israeli citizenship under Israel’s Law of Return,

According to this criterion, there are about 23.8 million Jews in the world, or 0.3% of the global population.

Jewish Population by State

The distribution of Jews by state varies widely across the United States.

According to a 2020 survey by the American Jewish Population Project3, the states with the largest number of Jews are:

  • New York: 1,753,000 (9% of the state population)
  • California: 1,219,000 (3% of the state population)
  • Florida: 638,000 (3% of the state population)
  • New Jersey: 545,000 (6% of the state population)
  • Pennsylvania: 296,000 (2% of the state population)

The states with the smallest number of Jews are:

  • Wyoming: <1,000 (<1% of state population)
  • North Dakota: <1,000 (<1% of state population)
  • South Dakota: <1,000 (<1% of state population)
  • Montana: <1,000 (<1% of state population)
  • Alaska: <1,000 (<1% of state population)

Judaism Population

Judaism is one of the oldest and most influential religions in the world.

It has a rich and diverse history, culture, and tradition that spans over 4,000 years.

Judaism is based on a belief in one transcendent God who revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets

Judaism is not a monolithic religion, but rather a complex mosaic of different branches, denominations, movements, and sects

Some of the major branches of Judaism are:

  • Orthodox Judaism:

The most traditional and conservative form of Judaism adheres strictly to the laws and teachings of the Torah and Talmud.

  • Conservative Judaism:

A moderate form of Judaism that seeks to balance tradition and modernity while preserving Jewish law and identity.

  • Reform Judaism:

A liberal form of Judaism that emphasizes individual autonomy and social justice while adapting Jewish rituals and practices to contemporary needs.

  • Reconstructionist Judaism:

A progressive form of Judaism that views Judaism as an evolving civilization rather than a fixed religion.

  • Humanistic Judaism:

A secular form of Judaism that celebrates Jewish culture and values without reference to God or supernatural authority.

Judaism Country of Origin

Judaism originated in the ancient Near East, in what is now Israel and its surrounding regions.

According to the biblical narrative, God chose Abraham as the father of a great nation that would inherit the land of Canaan.

The Israelites conquered Canaan under Joshua and established a monarchy under Saul, David, and Solomon.

After Solomon’s death, the kingdom split into two: Israel in the north and Judah in the south.

The Babylonians exiled many Jews to Babylon where they developed new forms of religious expression and literature.

Some Jews returned to Judah under Persian rule and rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem.

Where is Judaism Practiced?

Judaism is practiced all over the world, wherever there are Jewish communities.

However, some regions have more Jews than others, and some regions have more diversity of Jewish practices than others.

According to the Pew Research Center2, the regions with the largest number of Jews are:

  • North America: 5.7 million (41% of world Jewish population)
  • Middle East and North Africa: 5.3 million (38% of the world Jewish population)
  • Europe: 1.4 million (10% of the world Jewish population)
  • Latin America: 0.4 million (3% of the world Jewish population)
  • Asia-Pacific: 0.3 million (2% of the world Jewish population)
  • Sub-Saharan Africa: 0.1 million (1% of the world Jewish population)

The regions with the most diversity of Jewish practices are:

Islam is based on a belief in one God who revealed his final message to Muhammad, the last prophet, through the Quran.

Jews, God

Jews believe that there is a single God who not only created the universe with whom every Jew can have a relationship

They believe that God continues to work in the world, affecting everything that people do.

The Jewish relationship with God is a covenant relationship, meaning that God chose the Jews as his special people

Jews have many names for God, each reflecting a different aspect or attribute of his nature. Some of the most common names are:

  • Yahweh:

The personal name of God reveales to Moses at the burning bush, meaning “I am who I am” or “I will be what I will be”.

Elohim: The generic name for God used in the Bible, meaning “the powerful one” or “the judge”.

  • Adonai:

The substitute name for Yahweh is used in prayer and reading, meaning “my Lord” or “my Master”.

  • El Shaddai:

The name for God is used by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, meaning “God Almighty” or “God of the Mountain”.

  • Shekhinah:

The name for God’s presence or glory that dwells among his people, meaning “the indwelling one”

What is the Jewish Sacred Text Called?

The Jewish sacred text is the Tanakh or the “Hebrew Bible.”

The Tanakh consists of three main sections:

  • Torah:

The first five books of the Tanakh, also known as the Pentateuch or the Five Books of Moses.

They contain the stories of creation, Noah’s Ark, Abraham’s covenant, Joseph’s dreams, Moses’ exodus,

  • Nevi’im:

The second section of the Tanakh is the Prophets.

They contain the historical accounts of Joshua’s conquest, Judges’ cycles, Samuel’s anointing, David’s reign

  • Ketuvim:

The third section of the Tanakh is the Writings.

They contain poetic and wisdom books such as Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes,

  • The Tanakh is the word of God that reveals his chosen people through his prophets and scribes.

It is the primary source of Jewish law and ethics, as well as the foundation of Jewish culture and identity.

Jews study and interpret the Tanakh in various ways, such as through commentaries, midrashim (stories), and kabbalah (mysticism).


In this article, I have answered some of the most common and interesting questions about Judaism and its followers.

I have covered topics such as how many Jewish people are there in the world, where they live and practice their religion, what are their beliefs and traditions, and what are their sacred texts

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