After the cnyakundi.com exposé on racism and slavery at the UNON and UNOPS, staff at the UNDP Somalia office which is essentially run from Kenya have also come out accusing the UN agency of condescending appointments.
“Many UN agencies in Nairobi are suffering the same, the government has failed to streamline the inflow of the so called experts and even work that can be given to locals is given to the so-called experts”, a source told cnyakundi.com
The source continued, “The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Somalia Support Office in Nairobi is headed by a lady Ida Siregar who has really frustrated staff by making sure contracts are not renewed, mistreatment of local staff by even using abusive language”.
Because of abusive language, Ms Ida has forced some staff to resign ‘…due to frustrations’.
Slavery: For Kenyans Working With Indians, It Is 1619 Everyday
“The larger management have not been able to handle this lady because even after staff surveys and many reports reaching management she seems untouchable”, the source added.
Thanks for being our fighter as all avenues internally have not been of help
“The local staffers both in Nairobi and Somalia have terribly suffered in the hands of Ida Siregar with no hope to get help from the management. Is it possible for the government to regulate work that even National officers can do instead of giving these so called experts that are worse that colonialists”, the source asked.
About UNDP
UNDP is the UN’s global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. UNDP is present in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges.
Slavery: For Kenyans Working With Indians, It Is 1619 Everyday