
What happened to Applejack’s parents?

An image  to illustrate: What happened to Applejack’s parents
What happened to Applejack’s parents? This is a question that many fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic have wondered about. In this article, we will explore the official and fan-made answers to this mystery, as well as other related topics/PHOTO COURTESY: Facebook

This is a question that many fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic have wondered about for a long time.

The show has given some hints and clues, but never a definitive answer.

In this article, we will explore the various theories and evidence that have been proposed by the fandom and the creators of the show.

Who killed Applejack’s parents?

One of the most popular theories is that Applejack’s parents were killed by a hitman named Vince McVicar.

He worked for a dangerous gang that Applejack’s parents were involved with in the past.

This theory is based on a fan-made comic by ShutterflyEQD, which was inspired by the episode “Apple Family Reunion”.

In the comic, Applejack finds out that her parents were murdered by McVicar, who was hired by a mysterious pony named Mr. Cake.

The comic also suggests that Applejack’s parents had a secret identity as agents of Princess Celestia and that they were trying to stop Mr Cake from unleashing a powerful weapon called the Alicorn Amulet.

However, this theory has not been confirmed or endorsed by any official source, and it is purely a fan-made speculation.

The show itself has never mentioned anything about Applejack’s parents being spies or criminals, or having any enemies that would want them dead.

The comic also contradicts some of the canon information that has been revealed about Applejack’s parents in later episodes.

What happened to Applejack’s parents Reddit?

Another source of theories and discussions about Applejack’s parents is the online community of Reddit.

Here fans share their opinions and ideas on various topics related to the show.

One of the most upvoted posts on the subreddit r/mylittlepony is a theory by brokenimage321.

He claims to have solved the mystery of what happened to Applejack’s parents based on several clues from the show.

According to this theory, Applejack’s parents died because of a famine that struck Ponyville due to a failed Winter Wrap-Up.

The theory argues that Sweet Apple Acres was the main provider of food for the town and that apples were not a luxury good, but a staple food source.

Winter Wrap-Up

The theory also points out that Applejack and her sister Apple Bloom seem to care more about feeding the hungry ponies than making money from their farm.

Also, Applejack is very invested in making sure that Winter Wrap-Up happens on time.

The theory suggests that in previous years, Winter Wrap-Up was delayed so much that it caused a shortage of food and resources, leading to starvation and disease.

The theory speculates that Applejack’s parents were among the victims of this tragedy and that their death was a major motivation for Applejack to become more responsible and honest.

However, this theory also has some flaws and inconsistencies with the canon.

For one thing, it ignores the fact that Ponyville has other sources of food besides apples, such as grains, vegetables, fruits, hay, and even gems for Spike.

It also contradicts the episode “Family Appreciation Day”, where Granny Smith tells the story of how she and her family founded Ponyville with their apple seeds, implying that apples were indeed a rare and valuable commodity in the past.

Furthermore, it does not explain why Applejack’s parents were never mentioned or shown in any flashbacks or photos, or why they did not appear as shooting stars in “Apple Family Reunion”.

Applejack’s parents episode

The closest thing to an official explanation of what happened to Applejack’s parents is the season seven episode “The Perfect Pear”, which reveals their names, personalities, and backstory for the first time.

In this episode, Applejack and her siblings discover that their parents were Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter.

They fell in love despite belonging to rival families of apple farmers and pear farmers.

Their romance was similar to Romeo and Juliet, as they had to hide their relationship from their feuding parents, Granny Smith and Grand Pear.

They eventually eloped and got married under a tree that grew both apples and pears, which they planted with their wedding vows.

The episode does not explicitly state how or when Bright Mac and Pear Butter died.

It implies that they passed away sometime after their wedding, but before their children grew up.

It also shows that Grand Pear regretted his actions and moved away from Ponyville out of shame and guilt.

He later returned to make amends with his grandchildren and Granny Smith, who forgave him for his past mistakes.

The episode was praised by fans and critics alike for its emotional storytelling, beautiful animation, and heartwarming message.

It also featured guest voices from William Shatner as Grand Pear and Felicia Day as Pear Butter.

How did Applejack die?

Applejack did not die in the show or in any official media related to it.

She is still alive and well as one of the main characters of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

However, there are some fan-made works that depict her death or possible death scenarios, such as comics, stories, songs, and videos.

These are usually done for dramatic or tragic purposes or as part of alternate universes or timelines.

One of the most famous examples of Applejack’s death is the animation “How Applejack Won the War”.

It is based on the song of the same name by Sherclop Pones.

The animation shows a dystopian future where Equestria is at war with a fascist regime led by King Sombra.

Applejack is a soldier who fights on the front lines, but she is eventually killed by a bomb that destroys her platoon.

The animation is dark, violent, and satirical, and it parodies the propaganda and nationalism that often accompany wars.

Another example of Applejack’s death is the comic “Applejack’s Parents”, which is based on the fan theory by ShutterflyEQD mentioned earlier.

The comic shows how Applejack finds out that her parents were murdered by Vince McVicar, and how she confronts him and avenges them.

The comic is dramatic, suspenseful, and action-packed, and it explores the themes of loss, revenge, and justice.

What happened to Rarity’s parents?

Rarity’s parents are Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles, who are a pair of middle-class ponies who live in Ponyville.

They have been shown in a few episodes of the show, such as “Sisterhooves Social”, “Sweet and Elite”, and “Parental Guidance”.

They are supportive and loving of their daughters Rarity and Sweetie Belle, but they also have some quirks and flaws that annoy them.

Hondo Flanks is a laid-back and easygoing pony who likes sports and camping.

He has a thick accent and a casual style of dressing.

Rarity often embarrasses Rarity with his lack of sophistication and manners, especially when he meets her high-class friends or clients.

He also tends to be overprotective of his daughters and worries about their safety.

Cookie Crumbles is a cheerful and optimistic pony who likes baking and gardening.

She has a bubbly personality and a colourful style of dressing.

She often embarrasses Rarity with her enthusiasm and silliness, especially when she acts like a fangirl or makes jokes.

Cookie also tends to be overbearing and intrusive on her daughters’ personal lives.

Rarity’s parents are still alive and well as of the end of the show.

They have not been involved in any major conflicts or tragedies, but they have faced some challenges and misunderstandings with their daughters.

They have also learned to respect their daughters’ choices and dreams and to appreciate their differences.

What happened to Applejack’s cereal?

Applejack’s cereal is a breakfast cereal that was inspired by the character of Applejack from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

It was first introduced in 2012 by General Mills as part of their line of My Little Pony-themed cereals.

It consisted of apple- and cinnamon-flavoured O-shaped pieces that were orange and green in colour.

However, Applejack’s cereal was discontinued in 2018 due to low sales and popularity.

General Mills did not give an official reason for its cancellation, but some fans speculated that it was because of its bland taste, poor marketing, or competition from other cereals.

Some fans also complained that the cereal did not resemble Applejack’s character or personality, as it did not have any apple shapes or cutie marks.

Applejack’s cereal is no longer available for purchase in stores or online.

Some fans have expressed their disappointment and sadness over its disappearance, while others have suggested ways to bring it back or make it better.

Some fans have also tried to recreate the cereal at home using other ingredients or recipes.

What happened to Scootaloo’s parents?

Scootaloo is a young filly who is one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, along with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

She is an energetic and adventurous pony who loves riding her scooter and idolizes Rainbow Dash.

For a long time, Scootaloo’s parents were never seen or mentioned in the show, leading some fans to wonder if she was an orphan or had no family.

However, in the ninth season of the show, Scootaloo’s parents are finally revealed as Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood, who are a pair of adventurous explorers who travel the world.

They appeared in the episode “The Last Crusade”, where they came back to Ponyville after being away for years.

They were surprised to see how much Scootaloo had grown up and what she had accomplished with her friends.

Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood

Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood are proud and supportive of their daughter, but they also have a big announcement:

They have been offered a job to study rare plants in Shire Lanka, which means they have to move away from Ponyville.

They want Scootaloo to come with them, thinking that it would be a great opportunity for her to see new places and learn new things.

However, Scootaloo does not want to leave Ponyville, as she considers it her home and does not want to lose her friends and her crusading.

She tries to convince her parents to let her stay, but they are adamant that she should come with them.

They also reveal that Scootaloo has a pair of aunts, Holiday and Lofty, who live in Ponyville and have been taking care of her while they are away.

They suggest that Scootaloo could stay with them instead, but they still prefer that she join them on their travels.

Scootaloo is torn between her parents and her friends, and she does not know what to do.

Scootaloo Cutie Mark Crusaders

She asks for help from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who decide to show her parents how important Scootaloo is to Ponyville and how much she loves crusading.

They organize a farewell party for Scootaloo, where they invite all the ponies that Scootaloo has helped or befriended over the years.

They also perform a musical number that showcases their talents and achievements as crusaders.

The party is a success, and Scootaloo’s parents are impressed and touched by the display of love and gratitude.

They realize that Scootaloo has found her true calling and happiness in Ponyville and that they should not force her to leave.

The parents decide to let Scootaloo stay with her aunts in Ponyville, while they continue their exploration of the world.

They promise to keep in touch with Scootaloo and visit her whenever they can.

They also tell Scootaloo that they are proud of her and that they love her very much.

Scootaloo is overjoyed by her parents’ decision, and she hugs them and thanks them for understanding.

She also thanks her friends and her aunts for supporting her and standing by her side.

Applejack says goodbye to her parents, who board a train to Shire Lanka.

She watches them leave with a smile on her face, knowing that she will see them again soon.

What happened to Bright Mac and Pear Butter?

Bright Mac and Pear Butter are the names of Applejack’s parents, who were revealed in the season seven episode “The Perfect Pear”.

They were a pair of star-crossed lovers who belonged to rival families of apple farmers and pear farmers.

They met as children and fell in love as teenagers, but they had to keep their relationship a secret from their feuding parents, Granny Smith and Grand Pear.

Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter eventually eloped and got married under a tree that grew both apples and pears, which they planted with their wedding vows.

The episode does not explicitly state how or when Bright Mac and Pear Butter died.

It implies that they passed away sometime after their wedding, but before their children grew up.

It also shows that Grand Pear regretted his actions and moved away from Ponyville out of shame and guilt.

He later returned to make amends with his grandchildren and Granny Smith, who forgave him for his past mistakes.

The episode was praised by fans and critics alike for its emotional storytelling, beautiful animation, and heartwarming message.

It also featured guest voices from William Shatner as Grand Pear and Felicia Day as Pear Butter.

Who did Applejack marry?

Applejack did not marry anyone in the show or in any official media related to it.

She remained single throughout the series, focusing on her family, friends, and farm.

However, there are some fan-made works that depict her marriage or possible marriage scenarios, such as comics, stories, songs, and videos.

These are usually done for romantic or comedic purposes or as part of alternate universes or timelines.

One of the most popular examples of Applejack’s marriage is the comic “The Wedding”.

It is based on the song of the same name by The Living Tombstone.

The comic shows a future where Applejack marries Fluttershy, who is pregnant with their child.

The comic is humorous, cute, and heartwarming, and it explores the reactions of their friends and families to their wedding.

Another example of Applejack’s marriage is the story “Applejack’s Wedding.”

It is part of the fan fiction series “The Elements of Harmony”.

The story shows a future where Applejack marries Big Macintosh.

He is actually an alternate version of herself from another dimension.

The story is dramatic, suspenseful, and action-packed, and it deals with the consequences of time travel and parallel worlds.

What happened to Applejack?

Applejack did not die or disappear in the show or in any official media related to it.

She is still alive and well as one of the main characters of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

However, there are some fan-made works that depict her death or possible death scenarios, such as:

  • comics, stories, songs, and videos.

These are usually done for dramatic or tragic purposes or as part of alternate universes or timelines.

One of the most famous examples of Applejack’s death is the animation “How Applejack Won the War”.

It is based on the song of the same name by Sherclop Pones.

The animation shows a dystopian future where Equestria is at war with a fascist regime led by King Sombra.

Applejack is a soldier who fights on the front lines.

But she is eventually killed by a bomb that destroys her platoon.

The animation is dark, violent, and satirical, and it parodies the propaganda and nationalism that often accompany wars.

Another example of Applejack’s death is the comic “Applejack’s Parents”.

It is based on the fan theory by ShutterflyEQD mentioned earlier.

The comic shows how Applejack finds out that her parents were murdered by Vince McVicar.

She confronts him and avenges them.

The comic is dramatic, suspenseful, and action-packed, and it explores the themes of loss, revenge, and justice.

Does Applejack have parents?

Applejack does have parents, but they are deceased.

Their names are Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter, and they were revealed in the season seven episode “The Perfect Pear”.

They were a pair of star-crossed lovers who belonged to rival families of apple farmers and pear farmers.

They met as children and fell in love as teenagers.

However,  they had to keep their relationship a secret from their feuding parents, Granny Smith and Grand Pear.

Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter eventually eloped and got married under a tree that grew both apples and pears.

They planted them with their wedding vows.

The episode does not explicitly state how or when Bright Mac and Pear Butter died.

It implies that they passed away sometime after their wedding, but before their children grew up.

It also shows that Grand Pear regretted his actions and moved away from Ponyville out of shame and guilt.

He later returned to make amends with his grandchildren and Granny Smith, who forgave him for his past mistakes.

The episode was praised by fans and critics alike for its emotional storytelling, beautiful animation, and heartwarming message.

It also featured guest voices from William Shatner as Grand Pear and Felicia Day as Pear Butter.


We hope this article has answered some of your questions about what happened to Applejack’s parents and other related topics.

As you can see, there are many theories and speculations about the fate of Applejack’s parents.

Only one official explanation has been given by the show.

There are also many fan-made works that depict different scenarios for Applejack’s parents, as well as for Applejack herself.

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About the author


Hi, I'm Diana, a freelance writer and a passionate fan of all things pop culture. I love to keep up with the latest trends, gossip, and news about celebrities from different fields and genres. Whether it's music, movies, TV, sports, or fashion, I have a keen eye for spotting the most interesting and juicy stories that will keep you entertained and informed.

As a writer, I have a knack for creating engaging and captivating content that appeals to a wide range of audiences. I can write in different styles and tones, depending on the topic and the platform. I have a strong command of grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and I always proofread and edit my work before submitting it.

I have been writing for various online publications and blogs for over five years, covering topics such as celebrity news, entertainment, lifestyle, and more. Some of the platforms I have written for include:

Cnyakundi: A leading online destination for celebrity and entertainment news, where I contribute weekly articles on the hottest topics and trends in the industry.
Celebvide: A popular blog that produces viral content, quizzes, and lists, where I wrote several pieces on celebrities, pop culture, and humor.
As an article writer for a celebrity news-writing blog, I am committed to delivering high-quality and original content that will satisfy readers and clients. I am always on the lookout for new and exciting stories that will spark interest and curiosity among your audience. I am also flexible and adaptable to needs and preferences.







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