Sacked WPP Scan Group Plc founder CEO Barat Thakrar is accused of bringing his corrupt ways to Simba Corporation.
Mr. Thakrar is said to have been appointed the Marketing Consultant for the car company.
In February 2021, WPP-ScanGroup Plc board of directors suspended Mr Thakrar and his Chief Finance Officer, Mr Satyabrata over allegations of gross misconduct and possible offences in their capacity as senior executives and employees of the Company.
“The Board has delegated authority to an interim Chief Operating Officer Mr Alec Graham to ensure the continued management of the Company with the support of the Board and the senior executives of the Company’s subsidiaries”, a statement from the firm said.
Before this, cnyakundi.com had received information from a highly placed source that Thakrar had engaged in financial fraud and sexual misconduct with a couple of WPP ScanGroup female staff.
In the Simba Corp saga, a source said below:
Hello Nyakundi.
Imagine the most scandlous person Bharat Thakrar who was fired from Scanad was recently appointed as the Head of Marketing/Consultant for Simba Corporation, immediately after that he reccomended that all the staff in the marketing department be sacked, luckily, they were not
The next thing he did was recommending that his other boys club partner Jeff koinange be appointed as the Brand ambassador for Simba Corporation and his wish was granted as Jeff Koinange is now the Brand ambassador for Simba Corporation.
Those two people will siphone money from the company and before the owner realises that he was brainwashed to make such a grave mistake it will be too late.
WPP ScanGroup scandal
Mr Thakrar who founded the firm in 1982 is said to be in the habit of luring female employees with treats through expensive business trips, but forces them to sleep with him and pays them for their silence, a WPP investigation shows.
The investigations revealed that Thakrar has also created numerous dummy PR agencies that he uses to steal funds from WPP ScanGroup by fake invoicing for non-existent works.
A female staff that spoke anonymously with cnyakundi.com said that the ‘business trips’ often cost a lot of money where they are silenced with money after the sexual act which most can’t refuse for fear of losing their jobs.
However, some were no comfortable with the arrangement.