On Wednesday, Depuy President William Ruto’s wife became the latest casualty of the wrath of Kenyans on social media after one of her Twitter posts terribly backfired and users tore her apart in the comments section.
As the country faces turbulent times; with cases of corruption hitting an all-time high and Kenyans in the North starving to death, Rachel Ruto in her best wisdom, saw that the most effective solution would be launching a “National Prayer and Fasting” day in a bid to invite the good Lord’s intercession before matters became any worse.
In her tweet, Rachel said that it had reached a time when “true worshippers” like herself came together and worshipped the Father in “spirit and truth”. Her request to Kenyans to pray and fast came accompanied by a full schedule with all sectors that have been troubling this great nation – from the media to the church and even the government – awarded a special portion on the timetable.
A time is coming & has now come when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit & in truth for they are the kind of worshipers Father seeks.God is spirit & his worshipers must worship in Spirit & in truth.
Jn 4:23-24
I welcome you to join in fasting & praying today pic.twitter.com/NnUBnGnks0— Mama Rachel Ruto, EGH (@MamaRachelRuto) March 20, 2019
It’s good to note that this isn’t the first time Rachel has requested and led Kenyans in blindly throwing prayers at the nation’s problems. Just a few months ago, accompanied by her brigade, Ms. Ruto held prayers at Salgaa following the deaths of tens of Kenyans through road accidents at the blackspot. In the end, physics gave her the middle finger and Kenyans continued to perish due to the poorly constructed section of the road and irresponsible driving.

This time around, however, Kenyans refused to board her train and some, unable to hold back their anger, asked her to start by praying for Kenya’s biggest problem instead; her husband.
Going by the comments, one can clearly tell that Kenyans have become tired of being constantly taken for fools by politicians, their spouses, and clergymen who have for long been selling them prayer as a solution to Kenya’s problems.
We sampled some of the responses below.
I don’t know how to put this politely ma’am. Prayer SHALL NOT solve the problems that have been created by our politicians. You can take that to the bank. If you don’t believe me, ask Wabukala how successful his ‘religious approach’ to handling corruption has been. Thank you.
— John Ogola (@jjogola) March 21, 2019
Lets pray for the Spirit of lying instead ???
— Engr_McArum ?? (@Collo10_Cfc) March 21, 2019
You want to pray for a week and Kenyans are dying of Hunger and Thirst while your people are carting money away in bags, changing to dollars to fit and buying hi end German helicopters. Oh God take me away ??
— Benji Ndolo (@BenjiNdolo) March 21, 2019
Endeni mlilie huko pic.twitter.com/jijT1fdNFn
— Muli (@mulidennis1) March 20, 2019
Tuombee ruto kwanza
— The last Viking?? (@Only1Kentone) March 20, 2019
@MamaRachelRuto add Arap husband to your list.
— Kanyo Kanyisa (@KKanyisa) March 20, 2019
Charity begins at home,pray for your husband kwanza and i hope you won’t be praying for rains and hunger venye umezoea. Kenyans need food.
— Lazooj (@Lazooj) March 21, 2019
Before coming out to the public kindly cleanse your house first bcoz of your husbands sins and all shall be well in truth and spirit
— Iroto Edwin (@edwin_iroto) March 20, 2019
Ombea bwana wako
— MichaelYoungHistory (@koyagah) March 21, 2019
Pray for your husband anamaliza Kenya,,,,,na Akina murkomen na Sudi ,,,,,no wezi Wa mahali ya uma.
— Akamajunior (@Akamajunior1) March 21, 2019
Apo pa fasting, these Kenyans doing that even though its involuntarily.
Am sure they have also tried to pray too. pic.twitter.com/rt5PvfqrIH— Sir Learns_Elot. (@Sir_Learns_Elot) March 21, 2019
Stay with your prayers.
We need action and accountability.— David Kiragu (@davidkiragu24) March 21, 2019
This prayers af some point costed so many LIVES at Salgaa.
If this is what it means,then may the Blood of Jesus Christ cover us against evil,i rebuke it in God’s Name!!!— Wasike R (@r_wasike) March 21, 2019
Include your husband cz he is the problem we have in Kenya ??
— Dominique Ntome ?? ?? ?? (@dommy254) March 20, 2019
Ambia mzee wako awache UWONGO!
— Casemiro (@CasmirMogute) March 21, 2019
Hello! I fear praying with my eyes closed. My sight can be stolen.
— Filipoo (@de_filipoo) March 20, 2019
Ndio bwanako atuibie wakati tumefunga macho
— Chad Bironga Makori?? (@chadbironga) March 21, 2019
Go pray alone
— Edwin C. Oula (@Clements_Oula) March 21, 2019
Like husband,like wife.saitan!
— mcakunguII (@McbrightonII) March 21, 2019
Not boarding. Your husband is telling the world no deaths from hunger??Pray for him fast.
— Roman Muriira (@MuriiraRoman) March 21, 2019
What you purport to do takes me back to the days of King Oedipus.The poor king was looking for the cause of unending disasters that had frustrated his kingdom without knowing he was the the problem! In Kenyan context, politicians are the problem yet they masquerade like angels.
— Kelvin Shaban (@KelvinShaban) March 21, 2019
Hehehe fast till the 7B resurface madam maombi, as a Kenyan I will be very grateful
— ??Mkenya tu (@okoba_wandera) March 21, 2019
Go and pray for your husband and his friends first!
— KIMUYU WA MUTUA (@mraph77) March 21, 2019
Gospel from the household of deceit.
— Whispers (@WhispersOti) March 20, 2019