
The Most Dangerous Place in the World: A journey into the heart of darkness

an image of he most dangerous place in the world
What is the most dangerous place in the world to visit in 2023? Is it a war-torn country, a crime-ridden city, or a remote island infested with deadly snakes? PHOTO COURTESY/Instagram

The world is full of wonders and beauty, but also of dangers and risks.

Some places are more hazardous than others, either because of natural disasters, human conflicts, crime, or environmental issues.

In this article, we will explore the most dangerous place in the world, as well as the top 20 most dangerous places to live or visit.

We will also look at some of the most beautiful but dangerous places in the world, and the most dangerous countries in the world for female travelers.

Read on to find out more about these perilous destinations and what makes them so risky.

Where was the most dangerous place on earth?

The answer to this question may vary depending on the criteria and the source of information.

However, according to a report released by the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice, a Mexican non-governmental organization, the most dangerous place on earth in 2023 was Celaya, a city in the Mexican state of Guanajuato

Celaya had a homicide rate of 109.39 per 100,000 inhabitants, making it the city with the highest murder rate in the world.

The report attributed the violence in Celaya to the clashes between rival drug cartels, namely the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel

who fought for control over drug trafficking and gasoline thefts1.

What is the most dangerous country in the world?

Another way to measure the danger of a place is to look at the country level.

According to the Global Peace Index 2023, which ranks 163 countries based on their level of peacefulness, the #1 most dangerous country in the world was Afghanistan.

Afghanistan had a score of 3.644 out of 5, indicating a very low state of peace.

The country was plagued by war, terrorism, corruption, poverty, and human rights violations.

Afghanistan also had the highest impact of terrorism in the world, with 1,405 incidents and 5,725 deaths in 2022.

What are the top 5 dangerous places in the world?

Following Celaya and Afghanistan, here are the other top 5 dangerous places in the world according to different sources:

  • Tijuana, Mexico:

The second-most dangerous city in the world according to the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice1, with a homicide rate of 105.15 per 100,000 inhabitants

Tijuana was notorious for its extreme poverty, human trafficking, drug trade, and gang violence

  • Ciudad Juarez, Mexico:

The third-most dangerous city in the world according to the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice1, with a homicide rate of 103.61 per 100,000 inhabitants

Ciudad Juarez was infamous for its femicides, kidnappings, extortions, and cartel wars

  • Syria:

The second-most dangerous country in the world according to the Global Peace Index 2023, with a score of 3.658 out of 5.

Syria was ravaged by a civil war that lasted for more than a decade, resulting in millions of deaths, displacements, and refugees.

  • Yemen:

The third-most dangerous country in the world according to the Global Peace Index 2023, with a score of 3.658 out of 5.

Yemen was suffering from a humanitarian crisis caused by a protracted conflict between the government and rebel forces, as well as famine, disease, and malnutrition.

  • Snake Island, Brazil:

An island off the coast of Brazil that was home to an estimated 4,000 golden lancehead vipers, one of the most venomous snakes in the world

The island was so dangerous that it was illegal for anyone to visit it without special permission from the authorities

What are the 10 most dangerous places?

To complete the list of the top 10 most dangerous places in the world, here are five more places that you should avoid at all costs:

  • Ciudad Obregon, Mexico:

The fourth-most dangerous city in the world according to the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice1, with a homicide rate of 101.13 per 100,000 inhabitants

Ciudad Obregon was another hotspot for drug-related violence and organized crime

  • Irapuato, Mexico:

The fifth-most dangerous city in the world according to the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice1, with a homicide rate of 94.99 per 100,000 inhabitants

Irapuato was also affected by the rivalry between the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel

  • Iraq:

The fourth-most dangerous country in the world according to the Global Peace Index 2023, with a score of 3.725 out of 5.

Iraq was still recovering from the aftermath of the US-led invasion in 2003 and the rise and fall of the Islamic State group.

Iraq also faced political instability, sectarian violence, and corruption.

  • South Sudan:

The fifth-most dangerous country in the world according to the Global Peace Index 2023, with a score of 3.759 out of 5

South Sudan was the youngest country in the world, having gained its independence from Sudan in 2011.

However, it soon plunged into a civil war that killed tens of thousands of people and displaced millions more.

  • Lake Natron, Tanzania:

A lake in northern Tanzania that had a pH level of up to 10.5, making it one of the most alkaline and inhospitable places on earth

The lake was also extremely hot, reaching temperatures of up to 60°C (140°F)

The lake was known for its ability to turn animals into stone-like statues, as the high salt and soda content preserved and calcified their bodies

7 most dangerous places on earth

Here are seven more places that are considered very dangerous for various reasons:

  • Death Road, Bolivia:

A road that stretched for 69 km (43 miles) from La Paz to Coroico, passing through steep cliffs, narrow curves, fog, landslides, and waterfalls

The road was so perilous that it claimed the lives of nearly 300 drivers every year until 1994, earning it the nickname “Death Road”

  • St. Louis, USA:

The only city outside of Mexico that made it to the top 10 most dangerous cities in the world according to the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice1, with a homicide rate of 87.82 per 100,000 inhabitants

St. Louis was plagued by gun violence, poverty, racial inequality, and social unrest

  • Ensenada, Mexico:

The seventh-most dangerous city in the world according to the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice, with a homicide rate of 85.54 per 100,000 inhabitants

Ensenada was another victim of the drug war between the Tijuana and Sinaloa cartels

  • Feira de Santana, Brazil:

The ninth-most dangerous city in the world according to the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice1, with a homicide rate of 80.28 per 100,000 inhabitants

Feira de Santana was a hub for drug trafficking and gang violence in northeastern Brazil

  • Skeleton Coast, Namibia:

A stretch of coastline in southwestern Africa that was littered with shipwrecks, whale bones, and seal carcasses

The coast was named by Portuguese sailors who called it “The Gates of Hell” because of its treacherous waters, strong currents, dense fog, and harsh climate

Most beautiful but dangerous places in the world

Some places in the world are stunningly beautiful, but also surprisingly dangerous.

These places may attract adventurous travelers who are willing to take some risks, but they also pose serious threats to their safety and well-being.

Here are some examples of the most beautiful but dangerous places in the world:

  • Bárðarbunga Volcano, Iceland:

This volcano is located under the Vatnajökull glacier, the largest ice cap in Europe

The volcano is one of the most active and powerful in Iceland and has erupted several times in history, causing massive floods, ash clouds, and lava flows

The volcano is also part of a volcanic system that extends for about 200 km (124 miles), making it difficult to predict its activity

The beauty of the volcano lies in its contrast with the ice and snow, as well as the spectacular aurora borealis that can be seen above it

  • Mosque of Djenné, Mali:

This mosque is the largest mud-brick building in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site

The mosque was first built in the 13th century and rebuilt in 1907 after being destroyed by a French colonial army

The country is facing a complex humanitarian crisis, with armed conflicts, insecurity, displacement, and human rights violations

most dangerous countries in the world for female travelers

According to the Women’s Danger Index 2023, which ranked 50 countries based on eight factors related to women’s safety and rights,

these are some of the most dangerous countries in the world for female travelers:

  • India:

India ranked as the sixth-most dangerous country for women travelers according to the index

According to government data, a woman is raped every 15 minutes in India

India also has a high rate of female infanticide, child marriage, human trafficking, and domestic violence

  • Saudi Arabia:

Saudi Arabia ranked as the ninth-most dangerous country for women travelers according to the index

It is also ranked as one of the worst countries for gender gap, legal discrimination, and violence against women attitudes

Saudi Arabia has a strict interpretation of Islamic law that imposes many restrictions on women’s freedom and rights.

Women need a male guardian’s permission to travel, work, study, marry, or access health care

Women also face severe punishments for moral crimes, such as adultery or dressing immodestly

  • United States:

The United States ranked as the 19th most dangerous country for women travelers according to the index3.

It was also the only Western country to make it to the top 10 most dangerous countries for women by the Thomson Reuters Foundation in 2018

The United States has a high rate of sexual violence against women, both on campus and off campus.

The United States also has a low level of women’s political representation and leadership, as well as a persistent gender pay gap

Top 20 most dangerous places in the world

According to a web search, there are different ways to measure the danger of a place, such as homicide rate, natural hazards, or political instability.

Depending on the source and the criteria, the ranking of the most dangerous places in the world may vary.

However, based on a report by the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice1, which ranked 50 cities based on their murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants in 2023,

these are the top 20 most dangerous places in the world:

  • Celaya, Mexico: 109.39 homicides/100K
  • Tijuana, Mexico: 105.15 homicides/100K
  • Ciudad Juarez, Mexico: 103.61 homicides/100K
  • Ciudad Obregon, Mexico: 101.13 homicides/100K
  • Irapuato, Mexico: 94.99 homicides/100K
  • Ensenada, Mexico: 85.54 homicides/100
  • St. Louis, USA: 87.82 homicides/100KUruapan,
  • Mexico: 85.54 homicides/100K
  • Feira de Santana, Brazil: 80.28 homicides/100K
  • Cape Town, South Africa: 66.36 homicides/100K
  • Feira de Santana, Brazil: 80.28 homicides/100K
  • Cape Town, South Africa: 66.36 homicides/100K
  • Cumana, Venezuela: 62.33 homicides/100K
  • Fortaleza, Brazil: 60.77 homicides/100K
  • Mossoro, Brazil: 60.38 homicides/100K
  • Guyana, Venezuela: 59.80 homicides/100K
  • Zacatecas, Mexico: 58.26 homicides/100K
  • Baltimore, USA: 58.27 homicides/100K
  • Kingston, Jamaica: 57.85 homicides/100K
  • Acapulco, Mexico: 56.82 homicides
  • Caracas, Venezuela: 56.33 homicides/100K
  • Vitoria da Conquista, Brazil: 55.10 homicides/100K

Most dangerous place to live in the world

According to another web search, the most dangerous place to live in the world may depend on various factors, such as crime, war, natural disasters, pollution, or health risks.

However, based on a report by InterNations2, which ranked 64 countries based on their level of peacefulness, personal safety, and political stability in 2019,

these are the most dangerous places to live in the world:

  • Brazil:

Ranked as the worst place to live in terms of safety and security, with high rates of violence, corruption, and inequality.

  • South Africa:

Ranked as the second-worst place to live in terms of safety and security, with high rates of crime, poverty, and social unrest.

  • Nigeria:

It is the third-worst place to live in terms of safety and security, with high rates of terrorism, kidnapping, and civil conflict.

  • Argentina:

Ranked as the fourth-worst place to live in terms of safety and security, with high rates of inflation, instability, and protests.

  • Indi is the fifth-worst place to live in terms of safety and security, with high rates of sexual violence, pollution, and overcrowding.

What is the most dangerous place in the world for crime?

Crime is a serious problem that affects many places in the world, especially in urban areas.

It can take various forms, such as homicide, robbery, rape, kidnapping, extortion, and human trafficking.

Crime can also be influenced by factors such as poverty, inequality, corruption, drug trafficking, gang violence, and political instability.

Celaya had a homicide rate of 109.39 per 100,000 inhabitants, making it the city with the highest murder rate in the world.

The report attributed the violence in Celaya to the clashes between rival drug cartels, namely the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel,

who fought for control over drug trafficking and gasoline thefts1.

Top 20 most dangerous places in the world

According to another web search, there are different ways to measure the danger of a place, such as homicide rate, natural hazards, or political instability.

Depending on the source and the criteria, the ranking of the most dangerous places in the world may vary.

However, based on a report by the Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice, which ranked 50 cities based on their murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants in 2023

these are the top 20 most dangerous places in the world:

  • Celaya, Mexico: 109.39 homicides/100K
  • Ciudad Juarez, Mexico: 103.61 homicides/100K
  • Ciudad Obregon, Mexico: 101.13 homicides/100K
  • Irapuato, Mexico: 94.99 homicides/100K
  • Ensenada, Mexico: 85.54 homicides/100K
  • St. Louis, USA: 87.82 homicides/100K
  • Uruapan, Mexico: 85.54 homicides/100K
  • Feira de Santana, Brazil: 80.28 homicides/100K
  • Cape Town, South Africa: 66.36 homicides/100K
  • Tijuana, Mexico: 105.15 homicides/100K
  • Vitoria da Conquista, Brazil: 55.10 homicides/100K
  • Caracas, Venezuela: 56.33 homicides/100K
  • Acapulco, Mexico: 56.82 homicides/100K
  • Kingston, Jamaica: 57.85 homicides/100K
  • Baltimore, USA: 58.27 homicides/100K
  • Mossoro, Brazil: 60.38 homicides/100K
  • Cumana, Venezuela: 62.33 homicides/100K
  • Fortaleza, Brazil: 60.77 homicides/100K
  • Mossoro, Brazil: 60.38 homicicides


The world is a diverse and complex place, with many places that offer beauty, adventure, and culture, but also many places that pose danger, risk, and challenge.

In this article, we have explored the most dangerous places in the world, as well as the top 20 most dangerous places to live or visit.

different sources and criteria have been used to measure the danger of a place, such as homicide rate, natural hazards, political instability, or women’s safety and rights.

some places are more hazardous than others, either because of natural disasters, human conflicts, crime, or environmental issues.

We have also learned that some places are stunningly beautiful, but also surprisingly dangerous.


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