
Jersey Senator Cory Booker has ended his bid for the presidency. He announced
he was suspending his campaign and dropping out of the race for the Democratic
presidential nomination Monday, reported the New
York Times.
sent a heartfelt email to his supporters announcing his decision to drop out of
the presidential race, according to NBC
News. In it he states:
“Nearly one year ago, I got in the race for president because I believed to my core that the answer to the common pain Americans are feeling right now, the answer to Donald Trump’s hatred and division, is to reignite our spirit of common purpose to take on our biggest challenges and build a more just and fair country for everyone,” the email read. “I’ve always believed that. I still believe that. I’m proud I never compromised my faith in these principles during this campaign to score political points or tear down others. And maybe I’m stubborn, but I’ll never abandon my faith in what we can accomplish when we join together,” Booker continued in his email. “I will carry this fight forward — I just won’t be doing it as a candidate for president this year. Friend, it’s with a full heart that I share this news — I’ve made the decision to suspend my campaign for president.”
Listen to GHOGH with Jamarlin Martin | Episode 18: Boyce Watkins
Jamarlin talks with Dr. Boyce Watkins about the lopsided relationship between the Democratic Party and Black America. They discuss potential 2020 presidential candidates, Sen. Cory Booker and Sen. Kamala Harris, and whether corporations and interests connected to foreign countries have more influence than Black voters on policy and priorities.
advocate of love, peace and unity to bring healing to the nation, Booker also
announced he was ending his candidacy on social media.
first announced his candidacy for presidency on Feb. 1, 2019, making it a point
to do so on the first day of Black History Month. Despite this, his attempt to address
the racial wealth gap through baby bonds legislation and support
of reparations, Booker failed to garner any significant support from Black
Booker’s departure, former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick is the only
Black candidate left in the race, but he is also receiving minute support.
Despite ending his presidential campaign, Booker pledged to continue fighting for the people. He is up for re-election for his senate seat soon.
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