From time to time, I have always said that Geothermal Development company is a complete scam. People have instead decided to attack me online for saying this rare truth...
What was Fidel Odinga cause of death? The premature death of Fidel Odinga and the mystery surrounding the cause of his death has now taken a new dimension after...
Normally, according to the media elites’ rulebook, when Gvt rants, it’s called free speech; when critics rant, it is hate speech. The media has succeeded in...
If you start with a cage containing five monkeys, and inside the cage hang a banana on a string from the top, and then you place a set of stairs under the banana...
“These Jihadists do not follow the way of Islam, Islam is a religion of peace, but it has been hijacked by those who now defame us.” How often do you hear...
Apologists of radical Islam must be told off. It is quite time the world realized that the so called Radical clerics do not become clerics by moderation or in any way...
As I said earlier, I have been investigating the Geothermal Development Company . My investigations have shocked me . In what looks like one of Kenyas, Biggest Scam ...
When Dr Silas Simiyu retires to his home mid next year and when he spends his days probably under a mango tree in his home yard he will think he did a marvelous work at...
Deputy President William Ruto’s inner circle, comprising the six operatives recently referred to by Bomet Governor Isaac Rutto as “Sky Team”, because of their fondness...
Caption : Equity Bank’s Chairman Peter Munga who always says he became Rich Genuinely though many scandals surrounding him tell another story Billionaire...
Use affirmative action to ensure that under-represented and groups properly represented in every respect. Make sure that all IDPs (Mau Forest Evictees, PEV IDPs...