East African Breweries Limited (EABL) is accused of ripping off a Kenyan innovator.
In a case of scamming, the innovator sent some things he was working on on how to make EABL make more money, but the beer maker later repackaged it and launched it without further consulting him.
“Back in 2020 March I started creating Eplug due to the pandemic. I shared this idea with EABL in July when my website and app were ready and needed to collaborate with them since they had mapping of several distributor stores,” he says.
We have seen the screenshotted email correspondence between Eplug and EABL.

“Eplug is a dynamic e-commerce that specializes in liquor sale and delivery from individual liqour stores allover Nairobi. Our website and Apps uses geolocation services to help customers purchase products from stores that are nearest to them. The delivery is based on independent contracted individuals and firms. We ensure delivery is few minutes after order. We would wish to incorporate EABL in our venture as we move towards being the major liqour delivery store in Nairobi and Kenya. As the largest liqour producer in Kenya, we would wish you collaborate with us, one way or another, in form of agency or advertisement. We are willing to provide every detail upon request,” the email from Eplug said.
EABL, through their Key Account Manager for e-commerce, a Ms Waitherero Githu responded by asking Eplug to share its proposal.
The proposal was spot on, since in 2020, the government had encouraged Kenyans to drink liquor at home.

Conwoman Waitherero Githu
“I provided clear direction on how we would work as guided by the corresponded who was in the E-commerce office. Initially, EABL only used phone calls for ordering items. But I presented the delocalized approach to them,” he adds.
It is at this point that EABL stopped responding to him. He later discovered that he had been duped.
“The lady, Waitherero Githu started taking me rounds since I wanted to meet the entire team and actualize this. Two months later they came with partycentral.com which was just a reflection of the idea I shared and what Eplug was doing,” he complained
The liquor distributor later changed the url from partycentral to Thebar.com.
Utado what?
Just like the cases against Safaricom and Equity Bank, in the thefts of Intellectual Property, EABL chest thumps since it has the money to arm-twist any judge to rule in its favor.
“Since then I have never had any response from her or anyone I was in contact with. Some individual known as George Kabira went on bragging to my friends how they stole my idea and I could do nothing and he was among those promoted because of the idea,” he revealed.
The innovator says he will not give up
“Am still pushing for my brand Eplug to register stores all over Nairobi but I need EABL tactics of ripping off creatives to be known to the public”.