They say something must kill a man, yes indeed just as the communication flops that are killing patients at the Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH).
KNH has the most toothless Corruption Prevention Committee (CPC), this was supposed to gather information on corruption occurring in the facility from a variety of sources.
If staff raise complaint or whistleblow corruption at the institution, the management which benefits directly from such will make sure that staff(s) contract is terminated.
Read More: Doctors to hold demos over corruption at KNH
Hello Nyakundi,
Maybe KNH management benefits from death of patients, this facility has the worst communication crisis in the country.
On 09.01.2023 , a patient admission was delayed from 10pm to 5am simply because one doc couldn’t reach another doc, cruel, to say the least! We lost the patient.
KNH can single handedly save more lives and if not add efficiency when they acquire walkie-talkies to solve their staff communication crisis.
But the KNH management and board don’t want it. For sure, a lot of time is spent by staff trying locating one another in the huge facility where one has to locate another physically to convey a simple message.
It has channels, 1 up to 12 or 16, only accessible to STAFF, not outsiders, this is where confidentiality is. Several departments can be spread in different channels to access one another smoothly.
You will be shocked the staff wouldnt want them since they dont want to be found!! Some go for 3 hour lunch break!
KNH under these two folks, Dr Evanson Kamuri the CEO and BoM chair Mr George Ooko is a mess- I call them the unhealthy pair reigning over the health departments at KNH.

Mr. George Ooko is the Chairman of the KNH Board of Management, was appointed to the position on April 21, 2020.
During CS Mutagi’s time, he spearheaded the Managed Equipment Services (MES) Review Committee at the Ministry of Health.
Read More about KNH Board Unhappy Staff Expose Ugly Rot At Kenyatta National Hospital

Before Dr Evanson Kamuri was appointed Chief Executive on October 15, 2019, the Chief Medical Specialist in the field of Dermatology and Venerology was the Director in charge of the KNH Prime Care Centre. He also has served as the Deputy Director in charge of Affiliation and Institutional Development.
Read more about KNH CEO: Attention President Ruto: Hear the cry of KNH doctors terminated for calling for better management of the hospital
Back to the story, I know some IT experts will say cooperates have a way of communication through internal systems and all those nonsense.
My friends, at KNH, the only system that works is the cash points – it’s even funny that most of the times you’ll find nothing happening at the A&E.
Had another argument that ICT has tech that allows users to use their smart phones to communicate with each other via the institution’s Network. Hence no need for walkie talkies.
Practically, it should be unethical to carry or use your mobile when dealing with patients. There is something called confidentiality we learnt in SCL and it prohibits use of mobile phones around patients either to speak about them or to your people. I think it’s not allowed and by law it amounts to data breach.
The walkie talkie solution is helpful because KNH has more than 4000 staff. Well, not including ghost workers because I know there are soo many. Someone need to check.
The only problem will be the two unhealthy pair at KNH. They will want kickbacks.
Or will even sabotage the implementation of this idea and make sure the walkies don’t functional just like most of the systems in the facility.
Read more here: Email dossier reveals corruption and impunity in Kenyatta National Hospital
These two and their cronies at KNH procurement department will make the implementation of this communication crisis solution to be a conduit for mega walkie talkie Scandal in the History of Kenya.
Prayers can’t help. Even God Himself is tired with KNH.