Employees of Super-Broom services limited who work at the Bunge have not been paid since October last year.
Currently, the company has over 600 contracted workers. Its clients include Parliament Buildings, the Kenya School of Monetary Studies and Kenya Railways.
Winfred Mbogori was fired from the office of the retired late President Moi and managed to coerce elite customers who later made her relocate the firm from Raiciria House in downtown Nairobi to the second floor of Utalii House next to Uhuru Highway in 2004.
Kenya Airways, when it was still the Pride of Africa in the late President Kibaki era threw our Mbogori’s firm after the firm was allegedly involved in shady inside dealings.
“Hello le president Nyakundi,
We have a very big problem in our company, Super-Broom. We have been working continuously for 3 months without a single pay.
We have been asking our HR for payment but all they say is next week, this next week thing has now come to 3 months…
We are suffering. It is shame to be working at the Parliament Buildings yet we can’t even pay for our rent nor take our kids to school.
Working like slaves from 8 am to 5pm five times a week without pay is an insult.
The supervisors also threaten to fire those who speak out,
Please help Cyprian us, we are suffering
Mbogori of Super-Broom services should use the money she has made using the dark boardroom dealings to pay her employees.
Ms Mbogori has been busy buying out awards to cover her firm. She controversially was named Top 100 competition best female CEO in the Top-100 companies in 2017.
Companies like Super Broom should be building and encouraging the youths to love their work instead they are adding more stress to the already miserable lives of the young generation in formal employment.