Kenyans through the Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) protested the intended collection of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) information by the government (GoK) through the National Integrated Identity Management System (NIIMS) also known as Huduma Namba.
They won. But the government might not have given up the fight.
Since 2015, there has been a massive data collection by the Kenyan government obviously for their masters in the west (USA) and maybe east (China).
It is easier to do business in Kenya, because, all one needs to do is to get the right government official and pay some bribe and that is all. They are ready to sell even their mothers for ‘a mess of pottage’.
Safaricom collected our data through the mobile numbers and sold them to government and a few people like blogger Cyprian Nyakundi cannot have peace since their information have been shared numerous times with security forces who harass him occasionally.
Remember those Nyakundi arrests; Safaricom was sharing the whereabouts data.
Also remember that, for the same reason, others have been killed.
In the CCTV tender, data about prominent people have been shared leading to their deaths. Remember Kabete Member of Parliament George Muchai and businessman turned anti-corruption crusader Jacob Juma?
In the new ‘my voice is my password’, Safaricom is collecting your voice data.
See, it is not all wrong but where are the data protection laws and a deterrent from misuse of such data collected by such rogue and corrupt firms like Safaricom? This data is easily misused or sold to the highest bidder for control and harassment of private citizens.
In the end, it is not used for what it is promised, i.e. safety and security of the masses.
If you don’t agree, then where is the footage from Muchai and Juma murders?
The government has a lot of biometric information in digital form, collected before the 2017 elections, and now in the Huduma Namba registration exercise. So, it wanted the last frontier, the DNA.
Most often, these schemes are covered under ‘good and well-meaning’ reasons but end up being exploited to the detriment of certain sections of society.

DNA Information Sharing
The reasons why most black are killed like dogs by police in the United States of America (USA) is simple, economic oppression, and in the bigger picture organ and plasma information harvesting.
In years past, it is the body of black people, that was used to do medical tests in turn giving the world many ground-breaking medicines.
DNA carries the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known organisms. This information can determine ancestry lineage.
Black people have superior genotypes and have survived most of the world annihilation schemes because of this.
But, don’t forget that we (black people) also feel physical pain.
The knowledge about DNA is a great stride for mankind yet its other role particularly in the USA and some pockets of the world is scary and inhumane. The reason why police arrest most blacks and very quickly swab their mouths for DNA profiling is described below.
The strange company at Google
Google/Alphabet has a company known as 23andMe and it’s agenda might not be all about light.
23andMe is a privately held personal genomics and biotechnology company based in Mountain View, California. The company is named for the 23 pairs of chromosomes in a normal human cell.
What can possibly go wrong? Many things.
Cases of kidnappings, murders, road accidents or abduction blamed on Aliens are sometimes suspicious.
In the USA, most drivers have in their driving licence a declaration of being an organ donor (or not) so that in case of their deaths through a road accident, their organs can be harvested to help another person who is sick at the hospital.
The problem is this: let’s say am a driver who has such a declaration in my driving license and some weird people like the police know about this and they happened to be told or ordered by their superior, to hunt for kidneys or a heart for a Rockefeller, a Gates, or a Rothschild – a certain rich man – no pun intended. Tomorrow, I would either be involved in an accident with an eighteen-wheeler or be in a place that had a shootout, or I will be a victim of a burglary or robbery.
Nippsey Hussles’s story is different. He loved Dr. Sebi (Alfredo Darrington Bowman), a man who claimed to cure HIV, using some African diet. The big pharma wouldn’t have wanted Nippsey to popularise this in his successful stores.
Let’s Continue, the reason is, the rich man wants a kidney and I happened to be a match, genetically.
So the police who have this knowledge will betray me and they will be quick to come to the accident, robbery or burglary scene so as to carry my body away and the family would not be allowed for let’s say two weeks so that all my organs can be harvested for the rich Rockefeller or for profits.
Black people have superior genetics and organs, this is a known fact. The above ‘hunt-for organs’ is always done on black people.

This whole post also explains the disappearances of black children and people during humanitarian emergency missions. The perpetrators at these places are the smiling aid workers.
Read the story of CHAD and the French aid workers?
In 2007, French Aid workers abducted 103 African children in the country of Chad. This case was the perfect example of the lengths white people go to survive. These kids would’ve been used as prostitutes, for medical labs as guinea pigs and organ harvesting. White people need African Gene to survive, lest they be extinct.
How about that story of Haiti during the Haitian quake?
In 2010, after the Haitian quake, American aid workers abducted 33 Haitian children. Why? For the same reason as the French aid workers. They abduct these children for organ harvesting, prostitution, and medical lab guinea pigs.
Also read about Planned Parenthood in America, selling organs for profits and also Eugenics.
Planned Parenthood has a sister in Kenya, the Marie Stopes International Clinics.
Now, Planned Parenthood does a lot of abortions, for goodness sake, their reason is valid. They say, they terminate pregnancies when the mother seems to not be in a position to take care of the child when it is born.
So, the western world have colluded with governments in the developing world, especially Africa, to make people poor and this makes it easier for Planned Parenthood and Marie Stopped to terminate pregnancies in the guise of economic hardships.
This is plain organ harvesting schemes.
Don’t argue with me. Watch the video at the end of this article.

Eugenics postulated a desire for forced selective breeding in human populations. That means, that some sections of society are used as Guinea pigs in medical tests for the improvement of other races, or some races are infiltrated, injected with disease so that they can die off, or forced sterilization in vaccines.
Black people find themselves at the short end of the stick where most of them without their consent have been used for medical tests in the USA, for example the syphilis story where black men in the USA were deliberately injected with the disease.
They acted as Guinea Pigs for the Centre for Disease Control (CDC); our CDC in Kenya is Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI). They have a deal to always paint Luo Nyanza and Nyanza in general as the HIV/AIDS capital of East Africa. Dig this.
I don’t care about the jobs created in NGOs for this. Fuck KEMRI. (The world is sick)
These cases are rampant. Be vigilant.
Kenyans need to resist any form of mass DNA data collection.
‘In Africa we harvest for witchcraft purposes, in Africa they (White people) harvest for the rich guy and to sell in the black market, or to improve their medicine which they in turn sell to us’. Cursed Lot.
What Next
There’s no stopping the government’s of the world search for control. The greed has made them want to do everything that will keep them in control.
As a people, we ought to be aware of things. The Christian good book says, ‘My people die due to lack of knowledge’, or ‘my people die due to ignorance’.
You cannot have resisted Huduma Namba only before you were threatened and rush to take it even without getting answers to your questions about it.
No, I refuse the explanation of demonic 666 number. I want a rational opinion on why we should take or not take Huduma Namba.
Explaining it as 666 is also threatening people, making them to live in fear.
Fear is bad emotion. Let’s resist things through rational judgement.
I don’t support Huduma Namba registration by the mere fact that it is not going to help us; it is a waste of money and this government has already lost our trust. Period.
As for DNA information collection. Please, be prepared to fight it with your life.
It is a scheme that is diabolic and not good in any way.