All is not well at the LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority (LCDA) where Director General Stephen Ikuare is under fire from a section of oppressed employees who have come forward to unearth the ongoing mess at the state agency.
Writing to us in anonymity on Monday, September 5 2022, a source within LCDA exposed rampant acts of discrimination and intimidation meted upon the workforce by a rogue administration that seems intent on milking the organization dry.
Nepotism is the order of the day, and those that dare to question the godfather, Mr Ikuare, are severely punished.
Old officers who should already have hung their coats are still stuck on their roles while the same duties can be performed by younger employees who are readily available in a country choking with unemployment.
It is alleged that his close circle of unqualified friends and call girls enjoy lavish lifestyles including pointless international trips that are fully funded by LCDA.
During Ikua’s short tenure, funds amounting to over Sh150m are said to be misappropriated.
He was appointed by the Cabinet Secretary for the Ministry of East African Community and Regional
Development, Adan Mohamed, on 24th December 2021, for a period of five (5) years.
He took over from Maina Kiondo, who served in the same position in an acting capacity since January 2021.
He previously served as the County Commissioner for both Lamu and Turkana counties, which are significant in the implementation of the LAPSSET Corridor Program.
Below is what the source had to say.
“Hi, Nyakundi,
There is a lot of discrimination, intimidation and threats at LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority.
Mr Ikua who is the DG has employed his relatives and friends without following due procedure.
He has also employed retired officers to perform duties that can be performed by young unemployed Kenyans.
He is using the authorities’ money to travel with his mpango wa kando and friends for international trips pretending to source for investors while in the real sense, they are making money from per diems and milking the authority dry.
He has gone to an extent of awarding his drivers and body guards international trips while leaving out officers who are qualified.
He works with Kibichos brother who is not qualified to be legal officer.
So far he has misappropriated funds worth over Sh150m and should be investigated.
Expose this DG and let the President-elect know that all is not well at the Authority.”