In November 2022, the brazen theft of internet connectivity devices was brought to our attention.
On the theft syndicate, staff of Internet Service Provider Poa! Internet.
Victims believed that Poa! Internet staff were responsible for stealing receivers a few days or weeks after installing them.
The market for resell is booming.
On Monday, a Twitter user Rufas Kamau (@RufasKe) ignited the debate; Kenyans on Twitter (KoT) joined in.
“We need a special task force that deals with thieves of internet connectivity devices in Kenya. @DCI_Kenya hizi devices zinaenda kuenda,” he wrote.
He added, “If you know of a person who have lost such a device, or you have lost one yourself, kindly retweet until it reaches the DCI. Let’s repair this nation”
Other users joined in, sharing their experiences over the same.
“We put one on some special needs schools in Nairobi (as a CSR) and one school had their devices stolen 3 times. Very, very sad,” Ben Roberts, the CTO of Liquid Intelligent Technologies revealed.
“I wonder what’s driving theft of these P2P devices. Would you have an idea?,” @KiloFXTrot pondered.
Rufas replied that the theft is primarily driven by High demand, Lack of action from police, Dirty competition from Fiber optic ISPs and High unemployment rate.
But perhaps the most notorious one is from the technicians of ISP Poa! Internet.
Poa! Internet technicians accused of stealing receivers for resell
“I lost mine (installed by Poa Internet) last month. This is their response when I contacted them. I immediately smelt a rat. It could be an inside job,”
One would think that the gadget fetches a lot in the black market.
“Enda Korogocho you’ll find yours. They’re resold at a meagre 500 Bob,” @CoinsMinister revealed.
It seems there’s a consensus that the devices are stolen by Staff/ technicians of the ISPs.
More complaints
I am on my third.😪
Had to put it on my balcony overlooking my window ndio akikujia nimuone and I remove it nkienda mbali.Unfortunately 3rd party cabled guys are unreliable na the big names walikataa kuniwekea. Mans has to work though😒😒— David Mungai (@Daoodey) February 13, 2023
Anti-theft mechanism
There is a guy I know aliibiwa. Since then, every evening anatoa and every morning anaamka kuweka na kutafuta signal. It very cumbersome but hana choice. Otherwise itaenda tena.
— Rigo (@rigo1_2) February 13, 2023
Police inaction
I lost ubiquiti powerbean 5ac. Reported to Chaani police station, Changamwe.
Huyo askari aliniuliza, "kuna mtu unasuspect?" Nikawachana nayo— Kioko (@bonifacemutiso) February 13, 2023
Arrested by citizens
Haha in my area we have arrested 4 in a month. Use fibre
— ISLAMICA. (@kamaltwaha) February 13, 2023
This has gotten out of hand, I've lost 4 radios in two months. CBD and Makongeni area.
— Alex (@LeKibet) February 13, 2023
I think those who install them are the one stealing them.
— Q (@LowFlan8407) February 13, 2023