The Private Security and Regulatory Authority (PSRA) has long been held up as a crucial component of ensuring the safety and security of Kenyans.
But according to whistleblowers within the organization, the PSRA has been compromised by its CEO, Mr Fazul Mohamed, who has taken the authority hostage for his own personal gain.
This is not the first time that Fazul’s unethical behaviour has been exposed.
In 2021, this blog exposed Fazul for delaying the issuance of clearance certificates to some NGO-owned firms, forcing them to pay bribes to receive their documents.
Now, a new wave of complaints has arisen, as individuals who submitted their applications as early as 2020 are still waiting to receive their certificates.
The sources suggest that Fazul is purposely delaying the issuance of the clearance documents to extort bribes from applicants.
“These guys are still not issuing licenses. I applied and still being taken round in circles since December. I understand there are people who submitted documents as early as 2020 and they have still not been issued with licenses. I sense they want us to cough something,” a source lamented on Wednesday, February 8, 2022.
From this latest submission, it seems Fazul has not changed his ways and is continuing to extort money from vulnerable victims who rely on the PSRA for their livelihoods.
The impact of Fazul’s actions extends beyond just financial loss for the victims and also undermines the very foundations of democracy and the rule of law.
It is time for the Kenya Kwanza government to stop tiptoeing and take a firm stand against corruption and hold those in power accountable for their actions, despite their political affiliation.
PSRA should serve its intended purpose of protecting the public, rather than serving as a tool for corrupt individuals like Fazul to enrich themselves at the expense of others.
We deserve a government that upholds the principles of integrity and justice.