Hi Nyakundi,
I work with the Postal Corporation of Kenya (PCK) and for last couple of months things are worse due to bad leadership.
It’s hell I tell you.
It is mid-October yet September salary is yet to be paid. The postmaster General Mr. Kagwe is to blame for the mess.
We are suffering.
School heads have difficult time to cash their orders at Posta counters country wide because of lack of cash.
Loan deductions are made and not remitted. Staff medical scheme was withdrawn recently.
Surprisingly, in all these, Union led by Mr. Benjamin Okwaro has gone to bed with management.
Who will hear our cries?
The M.D has backing of CS Information Joe Mucheru and mount Kenya political mafia. He does things with impunity.
Last week staff went hungry yet senior managers were at Laico hotel enjoying themselves to tune of Ksh6 million in perdiems. They travel overseas and rake in perdiems in thousands shillings per person, in name of benchmarking.
Loan default
Newly acquired fleet of 15 Dmax pickups was impounded due to non-payment of loan advanced.
The staff is bloated yet the HR still employs new staff.
It’s chaos.
We urgently need management overhaul to steer the corporation.
Kindly circulate and hide my details.