Weston Hotel has maintained its stand as an innocent buyer of the land along Lang’ata Road where it stands.
The management of the hotel in a response to a petition filed by the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority, said that it paid to to acquire the controversial and it cannot forced out.
The hotel said that it followed the riggt proxess abddue diligence before buying the piece of land and confirmed sanctity of the title.
According to the hotel, the case by the KCAA was filed with ulterior motives, adding that the National Land Commission found the title was not acquired through a fraudulent means.
General Manager Michael Nzile said that the allegation of fraudulent acquisition and registration are unsubstantiated rumors that are propagated by the petitioner in an intention to infringe, violate and limit Weston’s right to use the land.
The management of the hotel claimed that they purchased the property from Priority Limited and Monene Investment Limited. They emphasized that the title cannot be revoked as demanded by KCAA.
Nzile added that they cannot vacate or compensate KCAA since they had voluntarily vacated a site near Wilson Airport.
In an affidavit, Nzile urged the court to uphold the sanctity of Weston’s title and dismiss KCAA’s petition which he stated does not meet the required threshold to grant conservatory orders.
Weston’s lawyer, Ahmednassir Abdullahi, also sought dismissal of the case, arguing that the KCAA has not made a case deserving of any of the requests they are making in court.