Drama ensued at a local school in Embu County on Thursday after a grudge-bearing learner went for a rather unconventional means of revenge when protesting a punishment.
Teachers at Murumbe Secondary School in Manyatta area were placed under emergency medical arrest after the Form One student spiked the staffroom’s afternoon tea with a sex inducing drug “Sildenafil”, commonly known as “Viagra”.
According to reports by local blogs, the girl identified as Jennifer Ndwiga drugged the tea in protest to a prior punishment which she was served on Wednesday when she was caught noise-making in class.
When she was asked to carry tea to the staffroom the following day, she grabbed the opportunity to punish the teacher and his colleagues.
After committing the heinous act, Jennifer is said to have run away from school and disappeared from home.
A manhunt for her has since been launched by police.