Hundreds of labourers at Baringo Senator Gideon Moi’s Kongoy Farm have come out to protest what they term as deliberate mismanagement of the entity by the current supervisors.
Speaking to us on Monday, May 2, a source within the family-owned business in the Rift Valley revealed that as of today, workers are yet to receive their March salaries and allowances.
This has left most of their families staring at an uncertain future with schools now reopened and the cost of living skyrocketing by the day.
Concerns have also been raised over poor working conditions at the ranch that specializes in large scale production.
This has been attributed to corrupt managers and other top executives who are reported to be looting from the business.
The ripple effects of this corruption are now threatening to halt normal operations.
Animals, especially Gideon’s horses, are said to be in extremely bad condition due to the low quality of feeds.
“Hello, Cyprian.
I know you can reach Hon. Gideon Moi.
Please notify him that his Kongoi Farm in Nakuru County is being mismanaged.
The workers are yet to get their March salaries and schools have already reopened.
The workers are really in a bad state.
The managers and supervisors have been stealing from the farm.
His horses are in a bad state since they sold nappier grass cheaply without saving for the dry season.
We thank God the rains have started.
If possible he should visit the farm to ascertain this state of affairs,” the source writes.
The farm’s Director is James David Kimoi Moi, the eldest son of Gideon and grandson of Kenya’s second President Daniel Arap Moi.

The professional engineer leads operations at Kongoy Farm under the Agrico East Africa Company – hailed as one of the most elite potato seed companies in the country.
The company, which is based in Nakuru County, buys 200 to 300 tonnes of potato seeds from the Netherlands each year. The seeds are then multiplied locally on the farm and sold at a greater price.