As Received.
Hi Nyakundi,
I want to bring something to your attention but I request that you protect my identity
Laiser hill academy is known as the home of the championship.
Do you know why?
No other school in the entire country has achieved what it has in the basketball circles both nationally and east Africa championship.
We have won Sports Personality of the Year Awards (SOYA) awards twice and such awards don’t come without money attached to them, the school invests in players and equipment for us to achieve all the glory and we have never failed to get results in any given championship
Corruption has become commonplace
But one thing that has always been a problem is payment to the coaches as the team left today to the nationals championship in Mombasa none of the coaches of the basketball team and rugby team have been paid their March salaries.
The swimming coach has been told not to travel to Mombasa because he won’t be catered for despite having two players.
The head office along Nyerere Road, Nairobi, claims that they have made payment.
Coaches have now organised a go slow. They are not traveling to Mombasa until they are given their cheques.
During the regional championship in Elgeyo Marakwet, all coaches were paid Kshs. 10k as one week allowance (including accommodation, food, transportation to and from) while it’s known the amount coaches are paid.
This goes up to east Africa level we have never had peace.
Mr. Kirimi, who is in charge has always taken advantage of coaches and stole money meant for coaches and players to enrich himself and his friends.
In February the annual alumni raised more than Kshs. 150k to support basketball, but players have been told to buy things for themselves.
The team patron Mr. Keen gave Kshs. 20k two weeks ago to support the team but the team members were given Kshs. 100 shillings as money for lunch from Nairobi to Mombasa.
Kindly raise the concern of home of champions