Hi Nyakundi,
As Education CS Prof. George Magoha said, finance management in schools is one of the leading cash cows. Teachers wish to head schools so as to loot money from parents by sending out stupid requests.
In Kakuma, refugees who join public schools pay in excess of Ksh3500/= as admission fee. Thereafter each term they pay between 1000-3000 as boarding fees.
A school such as Kakuma arid zone, they’ll collect more than Ksh.700, 000 termly unaccounted money.
At Kakuma mixed, more than Ksh.300000 is collected. Pokotom school roughly collects 500,000/= and Kakuma girls 600,000/=.
The above school’s infrastructure is not as standard as one would think. The headteachers spent all these monies on personal things and leave their schools dilapidated and in disrepute.
The schools’ records show that they owe suppliers more than Ksh.2 million.
To add salt to the injury, the kids at these schools are not given lunch, only supper.