Boychild ametuma fare na sasa amechoka because inaliwa everytime.
How can this man be helped?
The lady has refused to do a DNA test to ascertain the paternity of the son.
Hi Cyprian,
I want to highlight a perplexing issue regarding a woman from Eldoret named Zulena Chemutai Adam aka Amina who has been sending me pictures of herself and a boy named Rajab for the last four years and asking for money for this boy whose pics I have attached.
Let me state that I always helped with the little I had because I am jobless and am all alone.
I asked her to bring this boy to me if he is mine but she has taken money for fare so many times never brought him but she insists he is my son I even asked for birth certificate and DNA test to be done but she refuses she makes this boy call me on my phone asking for pesa ya maziwa; sometimes she sends sms saying he is sick and asks me to send money to take him to hospital.
But you know I need to be absolutely sure that this is my son.
The last time she asked for school fees but I refused and then she suddenly stopped calling saying she will take care of him herself.
My friends tell me if he was really my son she would have brought him a long time a ago and done a DNA.
After sometime when she needs money she will call again or send an text saying your son is hungry send money.
I think it is not right to use a child for money in this manner she should come clean and reveal the truth about this child.