You are a celebrated blogger who has impacted positively into people’s lives especially the oppressed in our society. Please, prevail on this humble one.
In 2018, a Company going by the name Tosha Holdings had just won a tender to construct a link tarmac road in Thika, Kiambu County.
This road is ongoing from BAT Processing Plant Thika off Thika Garissa highway cutting off through Delmonte Pineapple Canning Plant to Thika Muranga Highway. This company (Tosha Holdings) procured our service as providers of Security Services by the name Accord Security Services Limited.
We did as requested and deployed our guards at two separate sites: a construction site and a Resident Engineer’s office. They had delayed the signing of contract documents citing technicalities due to the absence of their CEO who was said to have been out of the country then.
READ: Conmanship: Security firm Aua Industria Limited on the spot
We went ahead and provided services for Three Months without any single coin being paid despite invoicing for each month. After pursuing justice and demand for payment was denied, we sort legal intervention through our lawyer who after filing a reminder advised that our client is hostile and we should take up matters to court.
Our Company was young having been incorporated in 2015 and did have the financial muscle to sustain court proceedings due to financial instability at the time.
We have relentlessly sought a soft approach to convince our clients to pay us without success.
We documented our activities in these two assignments and can produce evidence as proof of our claim.
Where is justice if one can work and be denied his dues in Kenya? This company is owned by Somalis who have proved hard to deal with. Their offices are located at Gemini Insurance Plaza in Nairobi Upper hill.
A visit to this office is frustrating as inquiries into this issue are referred to officers working in the field, equally arrogant and dismissive.
The claim amount to Kshs.434,600.
READ: KK Security firm dupes staff
Mr Cyprian, our Company is in the red and cannot sustain its operations without revisiting to recover what it is owed by these arrogant merchants of doom out to kill small businesses. Between 2017 and 2019, we employed 30 employees who directly relied on our company as a source of livelihood.
Please, intervene for us as we try our best to recover from the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The others are Urithi Housing Cooperative society which also sunk with our Kshs. 1.2 Million in unpaid employee dues.
Please, Cyprian, our contact: 072XXXXXX1. Accord security services Limited. Offices are currently closed due to rental fees which are unsustainable.