Activist Mutemi Wa Kiama has come under attack a few minutes ago.
Sources close to him told cnyakundi.com that his house was broken into by people who said they were police officers but didn’t produce any identity to back that claim up.
It is not clear why the police are after him, but Kenyans need to condemn extra-judicial activities of the police.
He was live on Facebook saying some guys he thought were police was trying to break into his house. He asked for a warrant of arrest to be pushed pale chini ya mlango ,they did not oblige .. moments later I saw them break the door, like 5 men. One jumped on him and you could hear commotion …Mutemi saying wachana na simu yangu…Nikama alikua anapigwa akinyanganywa simu.
Some say, the power that be, the Fuhrer were angered by his Twitter and Facebook posts about colonial chiefs and how Kenya is in a dire state of affairs because of the descendants of those colonial chief have fucked up our lives.
Abuse of power
The Kenyan Police have been misused for far too long to arrest thinkers. The Kenya Govt wants zombies who are afraid of its fear tactics.
Kenyans should join in the online and offline campaigns to refuse the falling back into the dark days of KANU one party rule.
Write to your Member of Parliament, your Senator and your representative at the grass root level asking them to resist dictatorship.
I’ll share some posts about this developing matter:
Mwalimu Mutemi wa Kiama @MutemiWaKiama house has just been broken into allegedly by police. Urgent assistance needed. pic.twitter.com/CSZp9b9mKs
— James Wakibia (@JamesWakibia) June 9, 2020
Does the state think we shall keep playing these games? Don't they know we are almost at a tipping point? #DCILeaveMutemiAlone https://t.co/vFgSfEpePz
— Njoki Gachanja (@njokigachanja) June 9, 2020
We stand with @WanjikuRevolt . Mwalimu Mutemi wa Kiama is not a criminal. All that @DCI_Kenya needed to do was to summon him and he'd very willingly oblige. We demand his immediate release. #FreeMutemiWaKiama now! pic.twitter.com/rLHAweNWmU
— 🇯🇴BABU (@alaminkimathi) June 9, 2020
#AmKenyan LIVE FEED OF PEOPLE BREAKING INTO @MutemiWaKiama house. They claim they are @DCI_Kenya. He has repeatedly asked them to show him his arrest warrant by slipping it under the door. Non was produced. #KOT help us get @WanjikuRevolt
freed. https://t.co/sCnyvrUrjO— #LindaKatiba #TheWillOfThePeople (@WanjeriNderu) June 9, 2020
Kenyans have a right under article 37 of the constitution to, peaceably and unarmed, to assemble, to demonstrate, to picket, and to present petitions to public authorities.
Let’s exercise this right, because if we do not, then next time, when they come for you, who will stand for you?