As we said, Kenya is a hotbed of original ideas, concepts and inventions who are sadly blocked by the shameless self-promoters who bribe mainstream media journalists to...
Author - Cyprian, Is Nyakundi
Caption: President Uhuru Kenyatta arriving for the funeral of the late George Mwicigi with his widow and nominated Muranga County MCA Rebecca Mwicigi. The late former...
Caption : A mass rally of South African students protesting tuition fee We saw a horrible instance where Deputy President William Ruto attempted to grab a...
Kenyans from all walks of life would like to know how members of Kenya’s “high society” members Debra Sanaipei and Michael Okwiri broke up...
As we had previously noted, Nigerians thrive in countries where women empowerment has taken a foot-hold, and rarely survive in patriarchal societies. Kenya is one such...
Caption: Some of Kenya’s top CEO’s. We advise Kenya not to be sharing their ideas with this redundant lot, who only know how to steal ideas and not mentor...
It was with much disgust that we heard retired President Moi warn against overhauling the 8-4-4 system. He still would like Kenyans to operate like robots, cheat to win...
Caption: The defender of other people’s wives Dennis Itumbi. “All I want in life, is someone who looks at me the way Jacque Maribe looks at Dennis Itumbi...
Shell/Vivo Kenya headed by Polycarp Igathe has embarked on an easy campaign, by using sex appeal to attract customers. This is as a result of hiring based on patronage...
Prominent Kikuyu spiritual leader Njogu wa Njoroge has responded to a post, which singled him out as being a mouth-piece of Kikuyu’s ruling elites, and...
We normally don’t promote socialites despite many requests from hoodrats that want to propagate materialism and consumerism whilst flaunting their earthly...
Caption. Rongai MP Raymond Moi ranked as the most useless MPig in Kenya. But what did Rongai residents expect when electing a son of a man who screwed Kenya for 24...
Hi, Cyprian, hope you are good. I’m Amos and I read your blog about KMTC. I am an alumni of the college graduated with a diploma in clinical medicine and surgery...
Hello and good morning Mr, Nyakundi. I wish to bring to your attention of the plight of BURU BURU GIRLS SECONDARY. This year a friend of mine got his daughter admitted...
Caption: Rich kids blowing money like Kabogo’s fat son, living off handouts from their parents well into their 20’s is the reason the Kenyan society is...
Courtesy of Lonesome Bounty. A few months ago, our 3 month old daughter didn’t wake up at night to feed like she usually does. The following morning we also found...
Caption: Kenyans can happily destroy each others lives/property and leave the oppressor smiling. We are products of a bogus 8-4-4 system. That Kenyans can burn their...
Further to our appeal for information regarding properties of the directors and executives at Chase Bank (under receivership), information has started trickling in. The...
It’s good for Kenyans to know about the mediocrity at Kenya pipeline because corruption is endemic and directors plus their equally greedy executives are on a...
Students who have been through & who are in Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) have undergone various frustrations especially nurses. Diploma in nursing takes 3½...
One Raymond Njiru has gone berserk on social media, posting one of the most ridiculous status-updates of all times. He “revealed” that his father Lee Njiru...
Ezekiel Mutua, a government officials who runs an inconsequential parastatal that occasionally makes noise over nonsensical issues, took to Facebook to brag about flying...
Caption: Peter Mburu (in glasses) former EABL Marketing Director and husband to Uhuru’s niece Ngina Pratt at Tusker Project Fame 2013 where Kavi Pratt performed a...
GEORGE KARANJA MONDAY 28TH MARCH 2016 MY CYPRIAN NYAKUNDI E – MAIL: [email protected] SUB: FOUGHT THE GOOD FIGHT Introduction I thank God for your response to my...
Caption: Un-called for death threats against Cyprian Nyakundi who was only doing the work of God. Some detractors from the cause of a fair and just society seem to...
Today, some photos of the stunningly gigantic Two Rivers Mall owned by flamboyant bi-sexual advisor to the President Chris Kirubi were “leaked” and the first...
The incompetent Jubilee regime has resorted to a diverse range of psychological tactics in-order to make users of social-media “feel bad” about the...
Caption : How Time Magazine Covered Amadou Diallo’s Death February 4th 1999, the New York Police Department (NYPD) extra-judicially executed a young immigrant from...
The collapse of Rafiki Bank a subsidiary of Chase Bank is next. Kenyans with accounts there should exercise precaution or follow the usual drill. Move fast now, and wipe...
If there was a bank that had many lightskins, it’s Chase Bank. Many correlate the dwindling fortunes of the collapsed financial institution, to the fact that it...