As Obama is on his way to Kenya, Kenyans on Twitter took that opportunity to condemn BIDCO for grabbing Land belonging to poor Ugandan farmers . In a campaign dubbed...
Author - Cyprian, Is Nyakundi
Many people are saying Nyakundi is a bad Boy who just wants to Pick wars with anybody . In fact this is a video of Bidco Employees Protesting Poor Pay and other...
Bidco, the consumer goods manufacturer, has pan-African ambitions, but at home in Kenya its workers can’t even afford to buy a bar of Bidco-produced soap – because their...
Bidco CEO Vimal Shah fancies himself as a management guru. Bidco workers have another view. In 2011, workers went on strike to demand the ability to join trade unions...
Bidco uses a caste system of management to rule over Kenyan workers, according to company employees. Dozens of Indian nationals loyal to the Shah family, Bidco’s owners...
Despite CEO Vimal Shah’s claims that Bidco is an ideal workplace environment, on-the-job injuries are commonplace and, workers say, those injured at Bidco are cast aside...
As they say ,fish rots from the head . We have to discuss this individual at the heart of it all . Vimal Shah, an Asian-Kenyan businessman, is the CEO of Bidco Oil...
The giant consumer goods manufacturer Bidco Group is being accused of “land grabbing” in the neighboring Uganda. NGO “Friends of the Earth” which...
The project has violated numerous principles and norms established by multi-stakeholder bodies. For example, in violation of Wilmar’s commitment to uphold the Roundtable...
“A large proportion of the palm oil plantations are in areas previously covered by natural forest. An estimated 3,600 hectares of forest have been destroyed to make way...
18th April 2013 , Uganda Radio Network Reported 78 casual workers of Bidco Uganda Limited in Jinja have staged a strike. The employees laid down their tools on Thursday...
Citizen Tv News Reported According to the workers who sought anonymity, they had an agreement with the company two months ago to pay them house and leave allowances but...
Daily Nation once Reported The duel for control of multi-billion Tatu City took a new turn last week when the majority shareholders accused directors Nahashon Nyagah and...
Controversy has now rocked BIDCO which is one of the Biggest Companies in Eastern Africa. BIDCO has been accused of stealing thousands of Acres of Poor Ugandans Land and...
News that Bidco, that is mainly stationed in Kenya grabbed Land from Poor Ugandan Farmers have been the talk on social media . The farmers went to court to seek for...
Before the bulldozers came, Magdalena Nakamya harvested coffee, cassava, avocado and jackfruit on her three-hectare (seven-acre) plot on Kalangala, an island in Lake...
BIDCO consists of approximately 2,500 employees who are not permanent as there is no contract of employment. The permanent employees are approximately 400. A situation...
Bidco is a Multinational consumer Goods Company . Maybe you use or have used their products that include Edible Oils, Fats , Margarines , Laundry bars and even...
On Friday, the World’s most powerful man will land in Kenya. I the much anticipated Visit, a list of individuals( Both in the public and Private sector ) who have...
It has now reached a point where we dont value education . News that 60,000 students will be locked out of HELB loans are not only sad but worrying . Many Bright...
A former top Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) official on Tuesday sensationally claimed that commission chairman Issack Hassan tried to influence...
Knowledge about personal/priavate information should not be taken lightly. All of us know this guy called Snowden. Snowden shaped the future of Whistle Blowers when he...
Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is a very concerned Man. In a Lengthy letter, Written and directed to Willy Mutunga, Raila is deeply concerned over the delay in...
There is a Big Crisis at University of Eldoret and if nothing is done, things will spin out of control very soon . Tribalism and ethnic wrangles are the order of the day...
This is a sad story, A story of Rot and Impunity that will make you question whether Kenya has laws or not . “PCEA Kikuyu hospital is run by PCEA church through...
The Industrial Court has given a go-ahead to an earthshaking petition which names a governor and his wife as bribetakers in a syndicate to fraudulently employ county...
Nakuru county folks will not benefit fully from this financial year’s budget that was approved by its county assembly recently. The county’s last financial year budget...
The recent disruption of classes at the University of Eldoret in Uasin Gishu was caused by local leaders who incited students to go on strike as a weapon to fight those...
People Daily board of directors met two weeks ago and resolved not to pump any additional capital into the struggling newspaper reputed as Kenya’s first free newspaper...
The List of Individuals who have been blacklisted from meeting Obama is circulting and not missing in the list is Muthama. Interestingly , The List has captured both...