Caption: Bamburi Cement Limited Managing Director, Hussein Mansi and Mombasa County Governor Ali Hassan Joho are good friends, hence a deaf hear to the plight of workers in Mombasa
Hi Cyprian,
Am writing to you to expose the rot at Bamburi Cement Mombasa Plant. Since the current Plant Manager who is a Moroccan came to Bamburi Cement in Sept 2016, members of staff, contractors and suppliers have gone through hell under his management.
He is arrogant, abusive and does not care about Company policies and procedures, he came in as a plant manager a position that was held by our own Kenyan Mr Peter Gibendi, Jared Kokach who is retired now. Peter Gibendi is now a board member at KPA after a successful career in Bamburi Cement.
Members of staff are working under threats, abusive environment, people work overtime and they are hardly paid, we work on call but only a week is paid, quarterly bonuses which are not pegged to individual performance is now selectively being awarded to the people he chooses thus denying the government the revenue in terms of PAYE.
The plant manager has now been promoted to be the Industrial Director within a period of two years, positions that can be occupied by our own Kenyan. Majority of Bamburi staff are now living with high blood pressure, fear and uncertain future in the Organization because of the high handedness of the plant Manager (Mohamed Kharraki).
If CS Mr. Akengo Matiangi can hear this and launch investigations to unearth the rot and the terror with which Kharraki is reigning on our sons, daughters, brothers, sisters mothers and Fathers. I hope this man will be tamed since the Company itself is doing nothing to help the situation, its pure workplace violence untamed.
Cyprian Nyakundi is a Kenyan-based blogger who has an interest in politics, governance, corporate-fraud and human-interest stories. Kindly drop me a note if you feel aggrieved on any matter that you would want to be highlighted. WhatsApp: +254710280973 Email : [email protected], or [email protected], [email protected]