A Kenyan blogger who has been keen on fraud at the National Bank has addressed CBK governor Patrick Njoroge and accused him of giving a blind eye to multiple National Bank sagas.
In the letter he heavily criticizes Mr Njoroge’s leadership and his leniency in handling such matters.
“Greetings Dr. Patrick Njoroge,
When you became the Governor of Central Bank, your first 100 days in office were filled with jubilation, reminiscent of a worker who was gearing himself up for over-achievement.
Today, we address you with absolutely no respect at all. It is not our style to disrespect leaders. However, whenever you earn yourself a considerable amount of disrepute, you leave us with no option but to disrespect you.
You have been told about the plunder in National Bank. Not once, not twice but many times. Recently, you oversaw a restatement of bank financials in a attempt to backdate losses. Much like a Stage 4 diabetes patient being given oral medication to see whether the already failing organs can start functioning again. If you engage in lifestyle misappropriation thus failing to manage your diabetes in time, you will die and that is not a threat, its just a fact of life.
Your advice to National Bank to re-state financials and backdate losses is considered as a back-stabbing approach to the very shareholders you should be protecting. Unless the shareholders are part and parcel of the plunder.
National Bank has tried to bring down our website (badnewsanalytica.com) with minimal success. Especially when we reported that NBK was hacked and the job may have been from top management. Instead of sacking the actual culprits, as usual they sacrificed nobodies like Wafula, Don & Andrew Kimani.
NBK scam was planned long ago and the decision to sack new employees citing incompetence was just quiet unsatisfactory. Andrew Kimani was just a new Director of ICT having succeeded criminals, who together with the current directors had planned the plunder. We have talked about all these in our website.
Now in the above subject, we have given you a link to read. While shareholders are suffering, bank customers are also being screwed up from all angles.
The Standard Newspaper recently elaborated some elements of the plunder (https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/business/article/2001301684/vultures-circle-as-national-bank-weakens-under-weight-of-bad-debt). We have also attached a PDF just incase you bulldoze the Standard Newspapers into tapping out and pulling down the article.
Yours Truly,