Hi Nyakundi,
I would like you to bring to the attention of the country a sorry state of affairs at Bungoma Government.
The Nzoia Water Services Company Limited (Nzowasco), the company supplying water to the entire Bungoma country and its environments, has failed totally.
The entire Webuye, have not received water for the last one week. No communication has been received and all their contacts are not going through since.
Several times, the county government fails to pay KPLC power bills and therefore unable to pump water to households.
Our water bills are promptly paid and updated but we continue suffering for lack of this basic necessity.
They need to wake up and serve wanainchi as promised!
Member of Parliament for Webuye West and East are not with the people at all. We are waiting for them come year 2022.
Please hide my identity.