Trans Nzoia residents are crying foul after all the mega projects that were launched in that county when Governor Patrick Khaemba came to power in 2013 have stalled.
“Tunapigwa stick big time hapa Trans Nzoia”, one resident sent a message.
“All projects are stalled or in bad shape”, he continued, “Referral Hospital has become a white elephant, the ‘County stadium project also stalled despite huge allocation of funds”.
In Trans Nzoia, a parking stage that was being built to benefit matatus and bodabodas turned to be a looting machine that enriched contractors. The project which was a welcome relief to travellers to Uganda and far-flung areas of Kenya i.e. Lodwar and the northern frontier is still incomplete seven years since it started. Residents aleged that the bus stage been leased to some wealthy guys who run the business of transportation.
The current Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati got his money by being the first contractor after he pocketed the millions run away.
“It’s the only town that has no order of parking, mama mboga, bodaboda , stalls ,porking offices are everywhere for everyone. The centre of town is full of potholes that are constantly filled with soil. Feeder roads are impassable during the rainy season”, a resident said.
In the expose’s that w have done, a lot of fingers point to breakdown of leadership where one of the first Ladies Lydia Khaemba is accused of swindling a Women Sacco of its Ksh22 million, she was also fingered in the extortion schemes of Bodabodas in the county where riders are arrested on flimsy grounds and fined exorbitantly.
Lydia Khaemba, the first lady and second wife of Trans Nzoia Governor ripping women and residents off.
It was also reported that On 18/2/2017, Ksh1.4 million was stolen by the governor’s second wife Lydia Khaemba. She used this money to buy a Mercedes Benz.
She is full of nepotism and tribalism, she has filed her relatives in county positions, most of whom sleep in the offices waiting for salaries’, a resident told in 2019.
The problem of tribalism in coiunties is rampant, even with some supossely metropolitan ones.
“The County (trans nzoia) staff is ethnically aligned , you will not be surprised to find them conversing in Bukusu in their offices”, a trans nzoia resident lamented.
Where does the first lady hide her wealth?
A source states that, apart from Legacy School in Kibomet where Lydia Khaemba was unable to register properties in her name, she purchased a land LR NO 1048/27.
The land belonged to Raymond Moi.
She acquired this land using a certain contractor’s name to avoid suspicion from the public.
Cooperative bank 0111804526600 is owned by the governor’s wife Lydia Khaemba. This is among the Bank accounts where the money gained from kickbacks and corruption deals are channelled to.
Through kickbacks and corruption deals, Lydia Khaemba is a millionaire while the county is disintegrating.
Karecha Kamaris is the space between earth and heaven, the gap between ice and fire, the elementary molecule that justifies unending peace in the sea of turmoil. An 'appetite for adventure over the love of ease'.