When it comes to corruption and Impunity, what Kenyans witnessed at the National Hospital Insurance fund was a tip of the gigantic iceberg, with what that is happening at the NSSF.
For many years, a few individuals like Moses Cheseto and Anthony Omerikwa of NSSF have illegally used the fund for personal gain, and we will be outing these criminals in a few days.
Moses Cheseto and Antony Omerikwa has sold NSFF lands and done everything to seal loopholes including bribing the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission officials as we will reveal in the next series.
In the NSSF corruption scandals, many law firms like Wambugu Muriuki Advocates have made a Cameo appearance in this toxic dichotomy that involves looting with impunity.
NSSF executives are presiding over grand looting and abuse of office. In all the projects by NSSF, key staff members supervising the same have directly benefitted through kickbacks.
In one saga, When Anthony Omerikwa wanted to grab NSSF’s open space in Loresho, he tried to use Jacob Oyato (surveyor) he resisted and said he can’t sign fraud. The land was eventually transferred by corrupt lands official.
There is a lot about NSSF corruption that will be exposed in a few days, as we seek the prosecution of the management that is deeply rotten, beyond redemption.
We must authoritatively note that entirely all the media house have been pocketed by the corrupt NSSF management not to highlight the corruption happening there. A case in point is the failure of the media to extensively cover the audit report released by audit firm Ernst & Young. The report exposed deep rot within NSSF. (We will talk about it soon)
Sources at NSSF can contact me anonymously using the following contacts and help clean NSSF
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