
DP Ruto’s man refuses to retire from New KCC

Kalenjin thief Nixon Sigei has turned New KCC into his personal property

Nixon Sigei, the Kalenjin thief who turned New KCC to be his private property has now refused to go home even after the expiry of his term.

Mr Sigei who was put in charge of the creameries when things were good between the two Jubilee Principals, seems to be sticking around even after he has failed to turn around the company.

He has been in office illegally as his term expired in December 2020.

Is this a ploy by owners of Brookside Dairy Limited to finish off this competitor?

Sigei’s reign at New KCC has been one of chaos, and incompetence even as narrated by an insider below:

Dear board members, CS-industrialization, chairman New KCC, chairman EACC, Ombudsman office, auditor general-KNAO, inspectoratePS-industrialization, the presidency, tInspectorateof state corporations.

We have again been forced by the ugly circumstances and the many events that have been quietly unfolding under the leadership of New KCC MD Mr. Sigei, to bring it to your attention and for your immediate action. Sisi kama wafanyi kazi wa hili kampuni tume ghadabishwa sana tena sana na matukio mengi ambayo yanaendelezwa na bwana sigei kanakwamba kampuni ni kiosk chake binafsi.

You might recall that this forum to save New KCC was created over 1 year ago with the aim of shouting and whistle blowing on the many many many malpractices by Sigei and any other of his ilk. In spite of our earlier warning and issues raised, the board under the watch mzee matu wamae, assumed this as a non issue ignored and put everything under the carpet. Please see the attached report done by one of our cell group. It is a pity that some of the issues raised then are still appearing in this 2nd volume. The carpet is now full and can no longer hide the ever piling rot which is now a stench and this we say MUST be cleaned up now.

Leo hii kampuni iko hatarini maradufu ya kusambaratishwa na bwana Sigei. Our network of Operation Sema Yote (OSY) is constantly updating our data of the many malpractices thanks to one Nikson Sigei. We reiterate that if you love this company and the many citizens it supports tafadhalini tusikizeni. If you don’t , blame us not… as we will continue voicing the ills. We have chosen this to be our solemn duty and calling until Sigei and his ilk amend their ways. OSY is an amorphous non aligned network of patriotic men and women spread across the New KCC network who watch and shout on any form of impunity and abuse of office by our seniors.

TRIBALISM: New Kenya Co-operative Cremeries (KCC) on the Spot Over Tribalism in Hiring

Before we highlight on current issues, we have enclosed the earlier complains for you to remind yourselves of what had been said.


False per diem claims

Ever since his employment to New KCC in Dec 2014, Sigei has been on a looting spree. Every single weekend, he and his PA/driver (MR. Bett) have been claiming false per diems in the guise of visiting depots and factories even when they have not even made technical appearances. Why would anyone claim money from the company to travel to their homes and families? This is pure abuse of office , sheer looting and a show of poor governance. Records in regards to the above are available and can be verified to confirm the true magnitude of the matter.


The official vehicles of Mr. Sigei official vehicles. Both vehicles reportedly have 2 sets of number plates meaning the vehicles are used both as a personal item and official depending on the circumstances. Infact KBB 249 has not been spotted anywhere in NKCC for the past 1 year and nobody really knows who uses it or for what purposes it is used. However company records indicates that the vehicle is still serviced by NKCC. Who approved this misuse and for what reasons?

Records indicate that the vehicle is still serviced by NKCC. Who approved this misuse and for what reasons? Company policy requires that all company vehicles be tracked. Are the above two vehicles being tracked? If not why? Arent these malpractices and abuse of office by MD Sigei?


Sigei characteristically cowed the (CMHR & Adm) into submission by ensuring that the lady had to fight for her New KCC life which she did after almost 9 months in the cold. The strategy was by the time the poor lady comes back she will not querry any employment malpractice suggested by her old tormentor. This has worked so well for Sigei. The poor lady on advice from Sigei have been engaging in a spree of dishing out salary increments and job titles discriminatively and indeed based on tribal basis.

Kwa mfano. It is now an open secret that the duo have now, surprisingly, become of one flesh and have done massive destruction of the company HR policies for their benefit. Sigei single handedly has ignored Board approvals on HR matters and created several positions which have not been approved by the Board. The aim is to create illegal and unapproved vacancies which are then dished out to Sigei’s tribe and friends.This is done in sham interviews which are well manipulated by the MD.

There are very many members of staff who never met the set criteria for appointment but because of being in the right tribe of the day, they are today working for KCC. The positions illegally created by Sigei are those that after that he uses to personally influence when he wants to do un procedural schemes. There is enough evidence to show that in every 10 positions created about 60% of the positions are filled by Sigei’s tribe.

Caroline Rotich :- Head of national sales. She earns much more than her other heads of departments all of whom have served in the company longer. She joined Nkcc barely about 2 years ago. Sigei manipulated the board by FALSELY and JOINTLY with CMHR & ADM gave misleading information to the “friendly board” and succeeded having her salary reviewed barely months into her employment in NKCC. This is not only unfair to other employees but also amounts to abuse of office.

Portrait Of Corruption: How One Man, Aided By Other Rogue StateHouse-Linked Managers Looted Billions From Collapsing New KCC

Dominic Menjo: – his previous title was head of raw milk procurement. This was also changed through similar theatrics as above to the current title “Chief Manager raw milk procurement and corporate strategy. SERIOUSLY? What has he ever done for the company in the line of corporate strategy since his change of title other than increase his per diem rates and frequency to 4 and sometimes 5 days a week? Of course the title change comes with hefty salary increments, why? Because after all they belong and it is their time to eat.

Nichodemus kiptoo:- Employed a year ago, his original title was cost and management accountant. This was quickly changed to head of cost and management accountant. This is in spite of the fact that no additional duties and responsibilities were introduced. And of course by Sigei’s Tribe the title change came with another hefty salary increment. Indeed the tribe and that community rocks.

Stacy Too: – Her previous job title – Corporate affairs manager. Current title “Head of corporate affairs” . this of course resulted into increased salary and of the unabated promotion of one community’s culture of unchecked impunity.

Confirmed reports indicate that Sigei shamelessly demands kickbacks from all and sundry. Could their be a possibility that he did these illegal acts so that he can get some money from these beneficiaries?

These illegal acts have resulted to low staff morale and hatred pitting the favoured Kipsigis clan against the rest of the Kalenjin nation and rest of the Kenyan tribes


Ever since he took over the reins of New KCC, Sigei has shamelessly and directly involved himself with the recruitment of staff of his choice. The CMHR & ADM can’t do much given what she has gone through this man. She is a woman under duress as she watches helplessly as company regulations and impunity takes the centre stage.

For instance, the company has in the past year or two recruited very very incompetent salesmen and women. This new calibre of staff is neither experienced in driving as required nor experienced in the selling fields as required. This has resulted to accidents and loss of company vehicles as a direct consequence of the above. Ever since Sigei took control of New KCC, he has consistently insisted on the recruitment of his cronies through his office. All applications are received and processed in the MDs office and through his personal guidance. The HR office is majorly ceremonial towards that end regardless of the fact that it is the office responsible for the recruitments function. As a policy, AA driving would undertake driving competency tests of new recruits before their engagement with the company.

However Sigei ignored that measure of control and instead would send his new recruits to a shambolic department in the ministry of transport where he has personal connections. The reports originating from them would all be treated as confidential in his office only hence direct engagement of all candidates of his choice! OSY has a full list of these illegal beneficiaries and we are ready and willing to pass it to you.

The recruitment story is not only limited to sales and marketing department. The Internal audit department has also been affected in a big and unique way. First, sigei had to ensure that the department consist of his people. He deliberately moved the then chief manager internal audit (Kikuyu) to finance department. Along with him went another staff member (LUO) to finance department as well. He immediately elevated their own, one Mr. Marusoi burgor to head the department. He is now the chief manager internal audit. He then recruited on Mr. Weldon Rotich – system auditor and Mr. Gilbert Kosgei – auditor. This has now allowed Sigei all the powers to use the office to his advantage and to antagonize other staff with a view of sacking them and thereafter employ his own people. This is how Sigei schemes. OSY can confidently disclose that Sigei’s personal past time is to look for areas where he can create a vacancy here and there for his tribesmen and cronies especially where he can create a lineage of complying officers to help him loot New KCC.


In at least 4 cases Sigei has un-procedurally re-instated sacked staff .This is impunity of the highest order which is also marked by tribal considerations. Several staff from his community have severally been sacked and reinstated based on his word. Below is a list and letters of reinstatements of staff who had otherwise been summarily been dismissed for various malpractices but otherwise returned to duty because they belong to the right community of the day.

Samuel Keter
Joel Chepchilat
Ismael Chepkwony
Hellen Keter.


Sigei is known for his abilities to harass, threaten and of late has gone further to even physically assault staff in their offices. Sexual harassment is also his thing with several cases to his name. he claims that he is untouchable, after all the “hustler” is his God father or so he brags to whomever that cares to listen.

He has even gone further and planted his sex objects and cronies in all nkcc installations country wide. Below is a list of just a few and most notorious as known today in New KCC.

Kisumu depot accountant – Imelda. It is a matter of public knowledge she is bwana Sigei’s girlfriend. Sigei would be spotted almost every week in Kisumu thanks to Imelda. The two have been very attached to the extent that sigei has almost been forcing her to remain in nkcc employment against her wishes. As a matter on record, she has infact tendered her resignations more than 3 times on various dates and Sigei would always prevail upon her to rescind her decisions most at times to the disadvantage of the company since she was being forced to work against her will under the guise that “your services are still required by the company”. One is left wondering whether indeed the services required are beneficial to New KCC or to Sigei the King of New KCC.

Sotik factory clerk – Pamela Chelagat – also popularly known as “darling” in the corridors of sotik factory. She operates with a lot of flair and impunity and always claims that she reports to only one and the only big office in NKCC. The rest to her are as irrelevant as are their holders. Infact shes as bold as they come with being associated with the big office. She is always the happiest unleashing her phone to whomever that cares to display and indeed confirm the frequency of their conversations with one sigei. Their sexual escapades, meetings and meeting points are well known. She never hesitates to threaten anyone and anyone whom at any point might appear to undermine her authority, needless to mention again that she is a clerk.


DP depot – Emmanuel Bor & Faith Bor. Both are his relatives. Both have been employed permanently regardless of the fact that there are many other staff who have been doing the same job as their but are still casuals. This is very discouraging and abuse of office.
Mombasa depot: – Beatrice. A busy body who does nothing more than just move around from office to office, individual to individual gathering grape vine to be fed to the thirsty Sigeis office. She even undermines her immediate supervisors and does as she wishes and claims nobody would touch her. She is said to be a relative to related to one bwana Sigei.


If you recall our Cell group had in volume 1 raised serious issues about this individual. That notwithstanding Mr. Sigei continued to turn a blind eye and infact threatened the HR staff into reinstating him and went ahead to order that he is given rights to access SAP system. To hide from our Cell group’s glare Sigei caused the character to be transferred from Nakuru to Nanyuki depot. He went ahead to collude with an ict officer one Mr. Sambu and several other Kalenjin salesmen both in Nanyuki and nakuru sales depot. This was a well-orchestrated scheme where sigei himself was said to be involved in the cover up. The poor sambu had his services immediately terminated and ironically towett remained in office for a further 4 months before his contract ended. Can we know why Sigei covered up this heinous act. How much money did NKCC loose. It is believed that Sigei was a beneficiary of the loot. This is not just impunity it is theft by servant in the name of Sigei.


MD’s driver Mr. Bett went and picked 4 tyres from the motor vehicle workshop in Dandora for the MD’s prado. The serial numbers were properly embossed upon the said tyres as has always been the practice. This is usually to assist in the tracking of the usage of the same. The said tyres have to date never been tracked to the vehicle and neither have they ever been returned to the workshop. What happened to them? Were they fitted into their personal cars as suspected? Is this not out right theft which has its consequences?


Kiprotich Korir; – Evaluated by his immediate supervisor and found to be incompetent due to persistent underperformance. However the guy, who is Sigei’s first cousin was instead immediately promoted and transferred to a different department and location. Read arrogance and impunity.


Could these many cases of impunity and strange appetite for ill-gotten quick money be fuelling the expansive construction projects (Homes) Sigei is undertaking in Kericho and Eldoret? Could he be pleasing the constituents of Kericho by flouting all company laws by employing their sons and daughters in exchange of votes in 2022?

Largely the mood on the ground is not good and it is quite explosive.

We request all offices copied herein to send their secret emissaries on the ground to hear more and take appropriate action. Also create avenues where we can name and shame without being traced.

We need to know why Sigei should continue holding public office with all these atrocities.

We will relentlessly continue shining the spotlight on Sigei and his team of management until we clean all the mess. OSY cell in conjunction with related cell groups shall be releasing their report every quarter as opposed to this annual reports.

The only fair justice to be meted is to investigate these issues and if confirmed factual (we have no doubt) the party that was in the wrong should be made to pay and reversal is done on any item that had been done un-procedurally.

This forum hereby now request for your immediate action including a thorough review by an independent body or institutions on the many and various issues raised here.

The forum also demands for a reversal of the many injustices occasioned by by the impunity of Mr. Sigei all of this with a view of upholding accountability and reassuring all the employees including sisi wafanyi kazi wadogo wadogo kwa kwa kweli sound corporate governance practices are applicable and must be adhered to regardless of the size or ethnicity of the CEO of the day.

The good old Chairman Matu Wamae should resist temptation of abdicating responsibility to the young Sigei who has always and painfully taken advantage of his advanced age and ill health. If this fails then he should gladly and happily call it quits so that young and fresh blood is injected into New KCC.


About the author

Karecha Kamaris

Karecha Kamaris is the space between earth and heaven, the gap between ice and fire, the elementary molecule that justifies unending peace in the sea of turmoil. An 'appetite for adventure over the love of ease'.

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