Hi Cyprian.
I received an email from a friend who works with Sathya Sai School Kisaju. Kindly highlight their plight on your forum.
“Hi, kindly highlight the plight of teachers and parents of Sathya Sai School which is in Kisaju. The director of the school Mr Culdip is a dictator of his own. This man mistreats teachers like dogs. He overworks teacher without even resting.
No break time for teachers; even going to the loo teachers must run to the loo. Going outside the gate to get even airtime is not easy. Imagine a teacher sneaking through the fence to go to the kiosk?
He has collided with the director of education and no matter how teachers cry for help, they get nothing from the Ministry of Education through the County Director of Education.
When kids are going home for midterm it’s mandatory that teachers must remain to do cleaning.
This week while we were breaking for midterm, parents were in school to pick their kids as from 9am, but the director declined to let the parents go with their kids until 3pm.
When parents tried to get help from the director of education, he came went to the office of the school director and exited without helping parents.
We as teachers, we’re suffering.. And the reason why we’re still here is because getting work out there isn’t easy. Kindly let this reach the ministry of education and come to our rescue.
Working conditions in this school Sathya Sai School is pathetic, harsh and nothing to enjoy. Kindly help us!