The Kikuyu-mafia and thieves have covered their tracks well at National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) but now they are busted.
Cnyakundi.com has learnt about a Mr. Moses Kimani who is an auditor from the National Treasury (see, Henry Rotich and Kamau Thugge were suspended for various irregularities), that has covered the misdeeds of the NHIF queen-corrupt, Her Marie-Antoinnette-ness Hannah Muriithi, that’s why she is still playing with the health of Kenyans.
The reason why the NHIF scandals are not explosive though damning up to this point is because, they appointed a mundu a nyumba to protect the scandals, the looting and rip-offs. As it stands, Nicodemus Odongo, the Acting NHIF CEO is just a puppet, the ‘real CEO’ is Hannha Muriithi who when the media asks questions she tells them, ‘please call the CEO’, yet by now Kenyans know the real person who calls the shots, acting like a CEO is Hannah Muriithi.
Let’s warn her today, we are inside NHIF and you will soon go home. Let the expose’s continue.

Part 9 of 20: NHIF Expose’ continues below:
We received a report that attests to the above subject with the hope that the relevant authorities will take prompt action and restore this once great organization back to its glorious days, and, achieve its mission and vision of health insurance cover to the vast populace of this country.
There is one Mr. Moses Kimani, who was seconded to N.H.I.F from the Treasury, and took charge of the Audit Department yet there was a substantive manager heading this department. This process of secondment was neither approved by the Board of Management, (and if so, let the minutes indicating this be provided), but was done at the behest of the Chairperson Ms. Hannah Muriithi and Mr. Joseph Kamau,who himself is the Treasury nominee to the Board contrary to the Kenya National Audit Office Act. The intention of the Chairperson and Mr.Joseph Kamau were to gate-keep the audit process so as to cover-up their numerous fraudulent and corrupt malpractices from being exposed and deter other agencies from moving in to investigate the same.
Further, there was no Human Resource analysis that indicated a need for such personnel as
specified in the NHIF procedures manual.
As a result, the once able and efficient Audit Department has been turned into a farce, whose
role has now been reduced to settling scores with staff and threatening Health-care Providers.
Now that Mr. Moses Kimani is at the helm of the Audit Department, no investigation report hasever been released despite having undertaken audit on numerous providers.A case in point is the five or so audit investigation processes that have been carried out on Nairobi West Hospital and none of which has had a report submitted. On the contrary, the amount in question, which formed the basis of the audit investigation, ended up being paid on the recommendations of Mr. Kimani. This constitutes an irregularity as the audit department has usurped the roles and functions of the relevant department viz: Benefits & Contraction Division.

E-Claim Platform
The NHIF migrated to the E-Claim Platform in 2018 with pomp and colour, promising efficiency in the processing of claims. This service was procured from Munishram International BusinessMachines (MIBM) at a cost of over KSh 700 million.
Unfortunately, this system was suspended by the Ag. CEO Nicodemus Odongo acting on instructions from the Board chairperson, the corrupt Hannah Muriithi.Surely such a glaring irregularity and omission ought to have caught the eye of the Audit department, but to the dismay of the many, it has been swept under the carpet so that avenues for corruption can be explored and executed.
Despite the suspension of the E-Claim Platform, monthly maintenance fees are being paid to MIBM to the tune of KSh 5 million. This irregularity has again failed to be noticed by the Audit department. The question then begs: Where is value to the public from such an investment?
Overseas Trips & Regular Meetings
The Board members went on a trip to Harvard and were paid exorbitant allowances. However,this never brought any value to the organization.
The Board has been holding regular meetings – three to four meetings per week and drawing millions as allowances. Not only does this conflict with the NHIF Act, but also questions the rationale of this given the austerity measures spelt out by the Government through the Treasury.
There is the issue of over 100 staff who were irregularly employed. The Audit Department has never seen this as an issue worth investigating.
Staff Victimization
The Audit Department under Mr. Kimani has been on a spree of staff victimization. They have been digging-up past determined and closed cases which were heard and determined through the Staff Disciplinary Process and restarting them anew and arriving at decisions with grievous consequences, all this without affording the staff concerned due process.This is the highest order of irregularity and impunity since the Constitution of Kenya clearly states that one cannot be charged for the same offence twice – ‘double jeopardy clause’. Article 50(2)(o). Staff have been interdicted as a result of this and the morale at the organization is at an all-time low.This department has become the Chairperson’s tool to settling scores.
Recruitment of C.E.O
There have been two attempts made to recruit the C.E.O. All these have been unsuccessful because of deliberate machinations to effectuate corruption. These unsuccessful recruitment processes have cost the organization since the process was outsourced. Once again NHIF and Kenyans never got value for their money.

The MMC Advocates were irregularly single sourced and awarded a multi-million contract to print legal contracts on behalf of NHIF yet there is a fully fledged Legal Department whose mandate includes such tasks. The matter is currently under investigation by external authorities, but how this failed to catch the eye of the Audit Department begs a myriad of questions.
From the aforegoing, I humbly request the following:
- Dissolution of the entire NHIF Board.
- The Treasury to recall both their nominee – Mr.Joseph Kamau, and staff on secondment – Mr.Moses Kimani.
- The EACC and DCI to move with speed and investigate the MMC Advocates scandal.
- The DPP to ensure no staff is victimized through double jeopardy and that all recent interdictions be reviewed.

- NHIF Board Members Pocket Ksh200 Million In Fake Dependants Scam – Part 6 of 20
- The Heist: NHIF Delays With Money, Hospitals Are Now Forced To Downsize (Part 5 of 20)
- Exposed: The Powerful Hand Behind Hannah Muriithi’s Looting Of NHIF – Part 8 of 20
- Huge: NHIF Board Chair Hannah Muriithi Linked To A Ksh. 500 Million Scandal With MMC Africa
- NHIF Chair Hannah Muriithi Received A Ksh. 40 Million Bribe In MMC Africa Saga – Part 4 of 20