Boniface Mwangi has always been accused of ‘activism’ in order to attract donor funding. He has never denied these allegations.
Today, detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) arrested him in the afternoon for what he (Boniface) termed as unknown reasons, that later turned out to be charges of ‘organising a revolution’.
Boniface Mwangi is not your quentesential activist like those of the past who were true to the course of liberation. Boniface is a conman who scams white (western) donors for cash in the name of seeking better governance in Kenya.
This might as well be a Kikuyu poster child that will in the near future be used to swindle us from true revolution.
Be wary of people like Boniface Mwangi.
Those Instagram-loving activist, who only pay lip-service to the course of justice and good governance.
You saw them, they were marching inside Uhuru Park, profaning the holy grounds of Freedom Corner that the great Nobel Laureate Professor Wangari Maathai once stood on, fighting for environmental justice.
After Mwangi was released from Central Poilice Station jail, we received information from his confidants that he had stage-managed his arrest.
This guy is seeking donor funds.
Read below

Hi Nyakundi,
Boni’s arrest is definitely a set up.
Set up by himself, because he is about to be auctioned.
He has mismanaged PAWA 254 and even written bouncing cheques.
Also, for the Red Vests demonstration, he was neither in the planning nor at Freedom Corner. He only appeared when Betty Waithira was arrested .
Some hawkeyed Kenyans questioned the timelines, see below from tweets.
The timelines are not adding up
12:03 SOS home invasion
12:09 arrested & en route station
13:35 charges written & signed
13:57 1st video clip
14:05 2nd video clip
1411: released.
2hrs 8mins. The fasted home invasion, arrest, transportation, charge, media publicity & release in the history of arrests in Kenya.— King Fred Asira (@KingFredAsira) 6 May 2019
#AmKenyan This does not make sense at all. If it is about the recent #BeyondZeroCorruption #RedVestMovement protest that saw @BettieWaShiro arrested, he was not a part of its planning or execution. Unless his crime was to help make noise to #FreeBetty? Something is off!#KOT
— #SwitchOffKPLC (@WanjeriNderu) May 6, 2019