The following three parts narrative was sent by an anonymous person, a victim of Anestar Boys High School fraud.
Part One
As former students of Anestar dictate, we were pulled into Anestar by its performance during KCPE. Little did they know that it wasn’t the school of champions as it claims to be but a school of deceit.
Parents don’t be fooled by its performance this year and dare risk taking your child to that hell hole. I too was shocked of finding out its trick to passing nationwide. You will notice that about 300 to 400 students will join the school either during form one admissions or in forms 2,3 or 4.
The school’s administration will deliberately register about 70 to 80 students when it reaches KCSE time out of the class of 300 to 400 students. But, what happens to the rest?
Now, for all the Anestar schools known there is what we call a sleeper school. They have two schools registered as one. For example, the sleeper school of Anestar Boys Highschool is Anestar Mountain Academy.
If you google or search for the school it doesn’t exist but it’s registered by the government. There is no physical property owned by the school. The centre carries out its exams in Anestar boys Lanet while claiming it’s split in two.
This sleeper school is where 90 per cent of all the original kids who joined the school will be registered. The school then takes and adds repeaters from the previous KCSEwho had a B and above who want to better their grades. It gives them “additional material” to ensure their success to ensure the performance of the school.
While those bright students who joined Anestar boys high school at form one are wasted away by the school and later left in a school which doesn’t exist. This causes them to get poor grades while the school still shines. The director, Anne Njeri Gatimu, considers your children a business and does not care about your child’s future at all.
Anestar group of schools try to portray a loving and caring picture but in the school, they depict the complete opposite picture. If you care for your child’s future and education stay away from the Anestar group of schools.
Part Two
Anestar Mountain Academy, A sleeper school for Anestar Boys Highschool-Lanet.
Anestar Group of schools has over the years been known by the public as a performing group of schools. But, the fact is entirely different. The school has over the years been using sleeper schools to hide the school’s true results. It was brought into the light when ANESTAR MOUNTAIN ACADEMY became the talk of the day at KNEC offices after it was declared as a leakage hot spot in the KCSE EXAMS. This led to results of this centre being standardised harshly. The students forced by anestar boys high school Lanet to register under anestar mountain academy were the victims of KNEC’s harshness.
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The school has been using its sleeper schools to register its candidates and then get repeaters with a B and above to do the main school’s exams thus making it shine when results come out. From the normal performance of the sleeper school of getting B pluses to C pluses, the 2021-2022 results were bad as KNEC suspected the school was leaking exams the results ranged from C pluses to D’s in the exams. The school intern has been using its sleeper schools to open papers before time so as to give leakages to the main centre. This year they were caught when they opened French paper early which led to them being identified as a leakage hot spot.
The students of the school are left stranded for their results being discriminated against for their only mistake was joining Anestar group of schools. The truth is finally out on how the school has been forcing its results to shine when results are finally out. From my source, the deputy principal Mr Mochama who felt the guilt wishes to offer his sincere apologies to the students the school administration has destroyed their futures. He pleads for their forgiveness and promises
to try and get the school administration to change its ways.
He, with the collaboration of the school’s biology head of department, Madam Miriam has said they will work together to correct the school’s ways. Currently they wouldn’t advise any parents to enrol their students at any Anestar group of schools centres. If you have any information on what Anestar has been doing and would like to be heard talk to any news reporter whom you trust.
Part three
Anestar students were devastated after the school deliberately “fucks up” their futures.
Students of Anestar Boys highschool-Lanet’s sleeper school are left devastated as the school’s administration destroyed their future after trying to force them to cheat in their exams. This act lead to KNEC blacklisting the school as a hot-spot leakage centre which lead to the school results being standardised harshly in that an A was made a B. Sources say that the school forced the students to register in the sleeper school known by the government as ANESTAR MOUNTAIN ACADEMY. The
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sleeper school does not physically exist. Instead it exists within Anestar Boys Highschool-Lanet’s premises. The school claims that it’s divided into two by a pathway passing in the school. There is no clear boundary such as a fence separating the schools. The school’s facilities are the same including the teachers and other staff who work there.
The school student wears the same uniforms with the same colours and school logo. The Anestar group of schools have sleeper schools within them where they place their students as they get repeaters to do the main school’s exams to push results of these schools. This group of schools has destroyed their students’ lives in an attempt off making their business thrive. The school’s director, Anne Njeri Gatimu, who takes pride in telling the students to call her “MOM” while they are on the school premises does not care about the students. She runs the school administration and tries to cover the school’s cruelty to students to the public. She has on multiple times paid the local police officers to keep some indiscipline cases from the school from the public.
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In the 2021-2022 KCSE exams her centre manager for Anestar Mountain Academy and The. KNEC supervisors were changed after the school was caught by KNEC after opening the FRENCH paper before time. The school claimed to have no affiliations with the centre supervisor but the students disagreed as the supervisor was the one who facilitated them in CRE and is a KNEC exam minor setter and among the main CRE markers. The supervisor was suspended by KNEC as it conducted a further investigation on the centre. This affected the students of ANESTAR BOYS HIGHSCHOOL sleeper school ANESTAR MOUNTAIN ACADEMY.
Students’ exams results were in turn severely affected and the students are now left devastated and confused as their hard work goes down the drain. They and their parents request the government to look into how Anestar group of schools conducts their activities as this type of behaviour is harming lots of parents and families as the school exploits the students and makes them waste their lives and hard work. The school director’s greed for money and success has led to the destruction of lives as the school does not already offer quality education that might give you an A but for the 2021-2022 candidates of this school got their B+, B and B- turned into c’s and D’s. This leaves the students stranded as they can’t advance to university.