Hygiene is important in medical field.
A source tells cnyakundi.com that hospitals in Nairobi that are run by the cabro-PR man Mohamed Badi of the Nairobi Metropolian Services (NMS) have run out gloves.
“NMS healthcare facilities are facing a glove crisis scaling down from level 4 to level 2 hospital. It started with clean gloves but it includes surgical gloves as well. As we speak, Pumwani maternity hospital has a severe gloves crisis,” the source said
The shortage has meant that instead of ordering for more in a quicker way, medical and nursing team has been directed to utilize two pairs per patient.
“This is not possible whether in heaven or hell!,” the source protests.
The above is not an isolated incident, in the near past we have been treated to such govt incompetence.
AIDs Drugs
In April 2021, media reports indicated that the Kenya Revenue Authority had asked for payment of taxes on Anti-retroviral drugs donated by the United State Agency for International Development (USAID).
KRA slapped the donations with a tax bill of Sh94 million.
There was an uproar online and offline.
READ: Increase in death of staff at Kenyatta National Hospital- Part 2
USAID was playing a safe game, it wanted a firm named Chemonics International to procure and supply the drugs to Kenyans because of “trust issues” with the national medical supplies body, KEMSA.
KEMSA had been involved in a scandal costing hundreds of billions by diverting the COVID-19 PPEs donated by Chinese Billionaire Jack Ma.
The individuals named, were accused of stealing the donations and reselling to the government at very high prices.
In mid-2020, there was also a shortage scare of condoms since most Chinese firms were shut down owing to the covid-19 containment measures.
Gloves help keep your hands clean and lessen your chance of getting germs that can make you sick. It takes a lot of time and money to train medical personnel and gloves come in handy to keep most of them away from disease. It is also important that one glove per patient helps to curtail the transmission of disease. NMS is after all not better than Nairobi County Government, and therefore, what’s the point of lengthening the term of the illegal outfit?
In all these, lack of planning here is the issue.
The bigger issue is always madharau. Common mwananchi doesn’t matter to these thieves.